

bloody reaper
The west coast has a legend called the bloody reaper. A ragged clothed, chained creature. It’s armed with a scythe. It roams the woods outside Bristol, Maine. The locals call it the reaper, because it would always “harvest” it’s victims. Ruth Mahone, one of its victims has escaped. And she ran out of the woods into the road, a local deputy discovered her while he was patrolling the dirt roads. He stopped his police car, and he finds her clutching her left arm. He looks at the arm and he sees a large gash, straight across the forearm. She, after seeing his badge, calms down after seeing that she is in good hands. But she looks back towards the woods, seeing the reaper standing between two oak trees. He was holding his scythe at his side. The reaper charges at them both, while the deputy rushes himself and Ruth to the police car. They enter, but the reaper grabs the officer by the shirt, and he tosses him towards the woods. Then the reaper turns back to Ruth. He tries to stab her a second time, but the deputy fires five rounds at the reaper. The reaper screeches, and he vanishes. The deputy runs over to the police car, he enters the driver’s side and they drive off. The deputy turns to Ruth. “ma’am what was that thing and why did it attack you?” he asked. “I don’t know officer, it appeared out of nowhere when I was walking near an old shack by the trail.”