

The Stranger.

You : " I don't know who you are. Who are you? "

Stranger : " Oh! You have just forgotten me, You very well know me for sure."

You : " Well, but I don't see any resemblance of any of my acquaintances to you. You must be mistaken."

Stranger : " No, my dear. I'm not at all mistaken. Look straight into my eyes and I dare say, you will remember me."

You : " Oh my God! It feels like a knife has just pierced right into the core of my heart. Where were you? Where have you been all this long?"

Stranger: " Oh don't weep my dear. I ... I have been with you all along. Its just ... its just you couldn't see me through."

You : " How come? How come I couldn't see you through? When all I wanted was to find you?"

Stranger : " My dearest. Please.. please calm down my child.. let's sit down and talk."

You : " Why are you calming me down? I should be the one calming you."

Stranger : " Its okay. That happens at times. Adults do act like children now and then. I'm calming you down because you are being a child now."

You : Its not fair. And I'm cruel. All I did was to hurt you and here you are calming me down? Its not fair. Not at all !"

Stranger : " What is fair in this world, child? Nothing really is."

You : " Its not fair that you are calming me down being wounded yourself. Its not fair you are calming down the one whom wounded you."

Stranger : " Really? Do you really think so? Would you be so hard on someone, like you are, to you?"

You : " No but.."

Stranger : " Shh.. cut it off dear.. I did not ask you what is unfair, I asked you what is fair. Now listen to me carefully dear. Ask yourself, what would really be fair to me that you can do now."

You : " Hmm.. okay, maybe..maybe it would be fair not to hold onto the mistakes and hurts anymore..maybe it would be fair to forgive myself, heal myself, accept myself.. maybe it would be fair to just embrace myself, embrace 'you'."

'You' : "There you are. Now you are speaking like a lady, wipe off your tears quickly."

ps: I hope you too embrace that stranger in you, that you have long lost forgotten.

© nya