

On the twenty ninth of July, twenty- twenty, Lin Aiguo, Zhang Wei and Xiao Yin, were heading out of the police station to have a meal outside for lunch. The station was situated in a crowded area of China, a bit above the ground, so to get out, the officers and workers there would find themselves climbing down a fleet of stairs. Just when the trio were about to reach the bottom step, Xiao Yin cried, “Wait!”

Lin Aiguo and Zhang Wei hurriedly turned around, and they too, were shocked by what they saw.

A woman’s attire, covered in fresh blood was left on the railing, obviously waiting to be discovered. “I guess lunch is cancelled for now then…” Zhang Wei said, pulling the shocked Xiao Yin up the stairs, while Lin Aiguo rushed ahead of them, carrying the clothing to the forensic lab and laying it on the autopsy table. After a cup of coffee, Xiao Yin calmed down, and then went with Zhang Wei, to get the findings from Lin Aiguo.

When Zhang Wei and Xiao Yin arrived at the forensic lab, they saw their friend bent over the autopsy table, gently fiddling with the clothing. “The way the touches them,” Xiao Yin grinned, “You’d think the clothing was really a dead body.” “Well, someone obviously died in them anyways,” Lin Aiguo sneered back. Xiao Yin looked down for a moment and then asked, “So… What about the findings.” “The blood is rather fresh, and the clothing is of a female’s, who is about twenty years old, by the size of it, so the girl’s time of death was probably this dawn, from two to four. This is only the outer wear, so it is possible that the victim is still wearing her innerwear. There is also a sign on the clothing, drawn in blood, surely after the victim’s death. Do you recognize it from anywhere?” Lin Aiguo questioned.

Zhang Wei and Xiao Yin strained their eyes to at least figure out the meaning of the very confusingly drawn symbol:

“Not possible,” Xiao Yin murmured. “What is it?” Lin Aiguo inquired. “These clothes… They belong to my roommate’s girlfriend. This sign is on all his attires… Such a nice girl…” Xiao Yin stuttered. Lin Aiguo and Zhang Wei shot worried glances at each other. “Send a blood sample and check the DNA. Make sure of the victim’s identity,” Lin Aiguo said. “Poor Ming Yan,” Xiao Yin sniffled as he took the blood sample out of the lab in order to send it for testing. As soon as Xiao Yin left the lab, Lin Aiguo and Zhang Wei erupted into laughter. “It feels as if… Ming Yan was really Xiao Yin’s girlfriend.”

While the DNA was being checked, several batches of policemen and women headed out looking for the victim’s body.

Another batch drove away to take the suspect, Xiao Yin’s roommate, Wang Fang, in for interrogation. However, when this batch reached the suspect’s room, the man was not home. The police then contacted Xiao Yin and asked him if he knew where his roommate might have gone. Xiao Yin was clueless, so that batch had to return back to the station for further investigation.

By the time both batches had arrived, the DNA test was revealed, and sure enough, it was Ming Yan. The body found by a small village was also Ming Yan’s. By this time, Xiao Yin had already gotten over his grief and was ready to punch Wang Fang on his face when he was found. The poor girl’s innerwear was also draped in blood. According to the wounds and, it was certain, from first glance at the body, that the woman was raped. “If there is no objection, I am taking this body to test,” Lin Aiguo said, getting up from his chair. There was no objection.

When Lin Aiguo proceeded with the examination of the body, he noticed something entangled in the girl’s hair. It was a small piece of paper. The paper to was covered in blood, but only lightly so most of its contents were still visible. It was a map with a village which was the very village where Ming Yan’s body was found. However, this map had Wang Fang’s symbol drawn over it;

Lin Aiguo showed it to Zhang Wei and Xiao Yin. “What do you think?” he asked. “I think- “The house that the dot of Wang Fang’s symbol is covering, is the place where he is hiding,” Xiao Yin finished for Zhang Wei. Lin Aiguo smiled along with Zhang Wei, who said, “You should not have finished my sentence. I was going to mention that the place the dot covers isn’t a house but instead, a shed. A huge wooden shed.” “According to how I take it, the murderer is really guilty and upset, that he doesn’t even value his own life anymore, but instead leads us to find him,” Lin Aiguo suggested.

Within ten minutes, the police forces had set off again, this time, confident that the murderer would be caught. Xiao Yin led the police to the destined place. This time, Wang Fang was caught red handed. And the forces also had Xiao Yin to deal with because as soon as the two roommates set eyes upon each other, Xiao Yin pounced on Wang Fang and punched him really hard. Since Xiao Yin was strong, even the police found it a challenge to get their boss off the criminal.

When Wang Fang was taken to the police station, Lin Aiguo and Zhang Wei, took into interrogating him.

“Are you going to tell us, or should we ask?” Lin Aiguo interrogated.

Wang Fang, replied with an answer that sent him to jail for a really long time, “I loved her. I loved Ming Yan so much. But she never loved me. It was Xiao Yin who she loved. He loved her dearly as well. I thought she would change once I had proposed to her however… Last night, while having dinner, I proposed to Ming Yan, but she said that she- she- she loved Xiao Yin more. I stayed quiet and watched her eat. The way she ate…. No. Afterwards, she got into my car and asked me to take her back home, but instead I took her to that village shed and… You know what happened next. After she died, I realized what I had just done and I was still furious with Xiao Yin, so to scare him, I left Ming Yan’s clothes, on the railings, leading in and out of the police station. And sure, enough he was shocked. My Ming- MING YAN!”

After the interrogation, Lin Aiguo’s friends noticed that he seemed very secretive. Xiao Yin made himself comfortable in a nice, cushiony chair and said, “Fire away.”

“Right then. Wang Fang has sex addiction. He knew that Ming Yan loved you, but he had already been attracted to the girl so he could never let her go. During the interrogation, Wang Fang stated a strange sentence which was, ‘the way she ate…’. That proved that he liked to gazed about and keep himself focused on her while she did literally anything. Eating is only just an example. He didn’t exactly love Ming Yan. He only said so in order for making others think that he wasn’t using her as a toy for himself. Also, if Wang Fang really loves Ming Yan, he would not try to rape her, but instead he would allow her to keep on living life the way she wants because he would value her existence and would always tend to protect her no matter what. Wang Fang wanted to keep Ming Yan as a toy forever. Why so you think Ming Yan rejected Wang Fang’s proposal? It was because she went through feelings and life- threatening experiences that no one except Wang Fang was aware of. When Ming Yan refused his proposal, Wang Fang knew that she would no longer spend time with him and might also reveal his terrible secret, so he used the last few moments of her life for his own pleasure. Also, while crying out Ming Yan’s name in the interrogation room, Wang Fang’s reactions were sinister. When you looked at his mouth from the front, you’d see as though he was terrified, but from the right… He was actually hiding a smile. He was acting about his feelings. Therefore, we can deduce that Wang Fang has sexual addiction.”

All Zhao Wei and Xiao Yin could do was to gasp at Lin Aiguo’s long and reasonable deduction.