

Journey of Emptiness
It's 2 weeks that Mugdha had blocked him. The last attempt that she made 2 weeks back to make him understand what she really felt for him. It was hard for her to believe that a person with whom she spent 5 years is engaged and prepping up for his wedding.

Mugdha simply looked at him that evening when they were having drinks and she understood that it will be her last time but she noticed he was no longer comfortable around her. His eyes that used to shower love and affection now are looking here and there that no one would see him with another girl.

The next day morning she checked out of hotel and said " Is this my last hug to which he responded, no "

Mugdha was going back home, heart filled with emptiness and that evening when she called him, he said he was searching resort for his bachelors. He said he will call her in 2 hours. That was her last attempt to reach out. She finally blocked him.

Many of people might judge Mugdha but all she wanted was him, his love and affection but she did not understand a simple point - without his consent how he could get engaged?? how he went for a photoshoot?? how he organized a bachelor's??

After that , he never attempted to call her. Mugdha got desperate but something changed in her. Despite her feelings low, disappointed, tired she did not reach out to him neither unblocked him like she did in past 5 years.

There were a lot of flashes in her mind and she started writing in her diary.

How they met, how he initially idealized her as the best things happened, how she caught him lieing to her multiple times but despite gave chances to him.

Mugdha still looks at his blocked contact but now she does not want to call him and ask " you don't think about me", "why you are not even attempting to talk"

Reason she has the answer which says " Mugdha in the first place if he has loved you, will he even take this big decision of life???"

Mugdha still cries, her heart rages out with anger but there is a thought that says...

Heart lost to a heart that was only filled with emptiness....💔💔💔