

The Missing Girl Part 2
A lullaby, a melody something to calm her ears so they would not listen to her heart pounding like a drum inside her chest.

The fields all around her this time of year filled with beautiful green crops ready for reaping. the smell of nature was indeed refreshing, considerate, however, not unto the emotions of Miriam.

As she uttered that she was too scared to feel anything. She was having these plumbless thoughts buried inside her chest. That begs the questions were they really just thoughts.

Miriam was a portrait of pulchritude. Her Hair were stugian she loved to play with them. Would she ever find a swain with such a pulchritude as to match hers. It was a question only time could answer.

She was thinking what her parents would say about her thoughts of having a swain, "You are not vestal child, God forgive her!"

She laughed at the whited sepulchre kind of tongues of her parents.
She never loved the responsibilities that were wont upon women of that age.

Zephyr, Miriam thought, a word she heard today as her parents spoke about the wind, she learned that word today as her parents were talking, "Honey, today's wind is Zephyr."

The word meant gentle breeze; that made her wonder were her parents Zephyr towards her brother? As they weren't to her.

The road became bouncy the Fields were shedding tears with Miriam, she was feeling what they were feeling or may be it was the other way round.

They were crossing those grieving fields. Miriam was shedding tears too.

Condolences, Miriam thought a strong word to say. A strong word with a strong feeling of emotions it wasn't Zephyr was it? It was as if you knew what they are going through that is why you are offering condolences. To Miriam the word was a bold claim only to be made in if you really know, she was happy because she just discovered that 99 percent people were liars at her Grandma's Funerals because none of their Grandma died like hers in an accident so they can't relate yet still that never stopped them from making the bold claim condolences. Miriam started raging.

After sometime, Miriam fell asleep, she when opened her eyes was infront of the realm of exquisite agony. It was the St.Patrics Girls Boarding School.

Miriam could feel the plangent cries of its prisoners inside the great Walls around that School. A Gate which was Miles away from the School itself. Miriam thought "A nice Hell, purgatory, or inferno, may be just a nightmare. I know that the walls make sure that the screams of the victims inside remain inside."

The idea of being forever damned never sounded so exquisite to Miriam so she thought she had a right to shed tears.

The dark Gate was far behind her now she was inside the Abyss that she had ill-fated. She was star-crossed Miriam thought.

Stilly, Miriam stepped on the grounds of St.Patric. She felt like the ground was burning, soon she realised it wasn't the worse of it.

"Children, you all are here to become the women that you are meant to be, you were born you were silly, you were 5 years old, you were silly, you were 10 years old you were more silly, and now you are 15 years old now my darlings you will be taught to actually have a purpose."

Miriam remembered her days at home throughout the years of her childhood, and how she used to take responsibility of everything as her father was always on the business trips which were only an excuse to see other women. Her mother was aware of that, as ridiculous as she was Miriam thought a fool. She never questioned Miriam's father.
She was always doing the same things too, as her husband was not home why should she? As being a good wife was always an act of was never who she actually was, she would go for the same kinds of business trips, however, both of them would leave Miriam to take care of her brother and the Mansion should a mistake occur, Miriam was punished, Silly my ass! Miriam whispered. The principal who was checking the students asked Miriam,

"You have something to say little girl?"
Miriam thought I have a lot to say if I was allowed, she controlled her temper, and smiled,

"I am just glad to be here Mam."

"How wonderful we need Girls with the same spirit, and eagerness as Miriam's to become good wives, and women acceptable for society."

Trollop Miriam thought.

© S.Ali

#thriller #Beautiful #story #storytime #stories #mystery #abyss #Happiness #Darkness