

Write A story from your childhood memories where you gave your parents or guardian advice and they didn't listen which immediately came to bite them in the ass.

On a clear day in a rainy season. A family of 3 (with the exception of the dad) were preparing to go to a wedding ceremony but the mother's automatic car was spoilt so she had to take the manual car which she didn't remember how to drive.

Fortunately (or so she thought), the (then) watchman who knew how to drive a manual car was around. As they were going, the driver was busy talking in the mother and her 2 kids to the annoyance of the kids. They decided to ignore the noise by viewing the scenery outside the window.

As they were getting close to the church where the wedding was held. The mother asked the driver to send the car back and later she call at the end of the ceremony for him to come and pick them up. That is when the spoilt brat of the family (a.k.a the last born) said while yelling "No , why will you give it to him and not keep " .
And the mother asked, "how do you expect him to go back to the house ". "he can take a taxi back. What if something happens and we can't get him " the last born said.

"Like what " the mother asked. "A rain" the child answered. The woman ignored the girl and gave the kids to the man.The small brat was annoyed that her mother ignored her and was visibly upset.

The reached the place and got down from the car and went into the church. The wedding and its reception happened to be at the same church. The wedding went on smoothly . But in the middle of the reception the wind started moving heavily carrying along alot of dust. (Oops, I forgot to tell you that the reception was done outside 😅) . Everyone started running to enter the surrounding buildings with their food, drinks, and other things they had on them.

It then started raining heavily and the suddenly ended. The last born whose memory of the morning was replaced by the cake she was eating suddenly remembered and have her mother a smile 😏. The mother ignored the child and decided to call the driver to came and pick them up. He said he was coming but after 30 minutes he didn't come. "Where is he?" the mother asked "the distance from the house to this particular church was 20 minutes by car" . She called him 3 more time on the third called he picked.

"Where are you?"

" Madam, I am at the house"

"Didn't I asked you to picked us up 2 hours ago."

" Yes, Madam but Sir has taken the car"

" Why didn't you tell earlier when I called you first "

" I don't know Madam"

___ beep. The mother hunger up on him and called her husband. The husband didn't picked until her last try and was told by her husband that he was currently at a meeting and can't pick them up. He also said that he didn't take the because he had been in the meeting the whole day with given breaks ofcourse.

The last born was listening to the conservation started laughing and then smiled to her mother and said "I told you so ".

To keep the story short, let's just say that the family of 3 went home 5 hours after that phonecall and never gave the watchman any key to keep when she is not around especially her car keys. And she still don't listen to her last last born advices up to date.