

The Curiosity of a Small Child

The curiosity of a small child, how it arises, and the curiosity of a child to hear stories... The darkness is the right time to roam in the world of imagination. The story that teaches history, mythology, and ethics, and mixes old and new, is what sparks curiosity in that child. The child always pesters the elders to engage in learning. If we don't answer their questions with Patience, their curiosity will fade away.

Try to answer all their questions. Patience is essential. Children's literature should include ethics, explanations of proverbs, puzzle-solving skills, mathematics, and environmental science. These are the sources of children's learning. Without creating illusions, give life to imagination and provide opportunities to experience everything practically, thereby developing their intellectual level.

Even a child born in a rich family, when traveling in an AC car, is attracted to the colorful balloons sold on the street. Sharing food brought by a friend, helping each other up when fallen, and playing together - to a child's innocent mind, there is no distinction of caste, religion, village, or country. As they grow, society corrupts their minds. Moreover, the current mobile is quickly taking away that innocence, which is regrettable.

When we look back at our childhood, we realize that everything our parents told us was right. We know everything, but when we take a step forward, looking at the sky, we fall into a pit and break our leg. The excessive self-confidence of childhood gets stuck between experiences and fears, and later matures. Life teaches everything.

Children's literature exists solely for children. Even if adults read and share their opinions, it's only meaningful if children enjoy and benefit from it. Stories and poems that aid learning and intellectual growth should be included.

#kidsstory #children #imagination

© Writer Sindhu Bhargava