

Finding True love
They loved each other, but most of the time it seemed as if they were enemies .Jane had a tough life growing up and it all led to a disastrous adult life . She was about diffence , she had build a wall of protection and vowed never to trust anyone ,so any advice or correction offered to her came across as an attack. Ben had his own problems ,he was edgy ,short tempered and had a way of making Jane feel unworthy ,So when they started quarrelling it got really ugly ,I mean the words they used on each other were to break or hurt another to the core.
A week without a fight was considered a miracle .It was as if they were living a programmed life ,for every 2-3 day the love was sky high , you could never have thought they ever quarrel ,but when they fought all hell broke loose.Just like every couple they would drink together and all was well with just a few beers but as the night continues then ,the disagreements starts ,Jane always had a difficult time handling her liquor ,she would get tipsy ,and then every thing will offend ,hurt ,and anger her ,in a second the switch will turn ,then she gets loud ,then brings up old baggage ,start saying awful things ,but now Ben was a sharp shooter ,one or two words got Jane mad ,shouting, cursing ,crying ,she would be best described as insane ,someone who deserves to be locked up in a mental institution .All this was getting too much and dangerous ,they didn't want to fight or hurt each other, they loved one another ,they had a whole future planned but this relationship was beginning to be toxic . They tried very thing but it only worked for a few days then it was back to hell ,they sometimes both felt it was best they went separate ways .They had tried everything and were at a point of giving up ,then something bigger ,powerful than any behaviour or marriage counsillor was introduced to them ,and their lives were never the same .They became selfless, learned to love themselves first in order to be able to offer and experience the kind of love they both yearned for . Jane began to listen ,she started to see things differently, that when Ben is correcting her its not cause he thinks his better but because he wanted her to be a better woman ,Ben became more calm ,loving and his temper changed ,this was a true transformation ,a miracle had happened ,they became peaceful ,happier and respected each other ,and all this was through the Grace of God. They found Christ Jesus then they found real life .For through Christ Jesus they learned how to love for He first loved them unconditionally
© Privilege Phiri