

My Mind and the Voice Inside

Do you think the voice inside knows every word going through my mess of a mind? Is it possible that the voice inside gets annoyed when I answer myself in my train wreck of a mind? Can the voice inside mute his sound to drain out arguments going on shall he decide in my forest fire of a mind? Does this voice inside have more to it like a body or a horribly mangled mind such as mine? Is it plausible that I too could hear the voice inside scream in pleasure in it's shit show of a mind? What happens if the voice inside and I had a little talk using only our beautifully twisted minds? Could I, myself, take control of a country- oh, but of course, how could I ever forget the voice inside and its sick fucking hurricane of a mind? Will the voice inside alongside mine conquer all of earth's poor tortured souls leaving nothing but ghosts stuck to haunt their shrines for an endless amount of time?
What the FUCK! How could I forget that with my bone chilling bastard mind of mine combined with the blood and gut wrenching thirsty mind of the voice inside that all life will be threatened in just five short minutes when the voice inside and me, myself and I will share the news of our new game we've filled with horror and fun but there were too many good names so we just settled for this one: Genocide! Now me, myself and I and obviously the voice inside know what you're all thinking. Except this is round two and there's only way to win this game the right way, all living souls need to be put to work and starved wearing clothes full of holes for the maggots to burrow in your skin and torture you while you're already uncertain of what kind of pain and gore you're being forced to endure. Now that it's perfectly clear let's all show respect to the crazy and mentally fucked up, Adolf Hitler, our inspiration for our genocide hunger and of course we can't leave out Hitler’s voice inside with a whore torturing and killing mind of the voice inside.