

came out of early retirement.
almost 33 years old, and I swear it's the truth when I claim that divorces and pregnancies due me justice.
all of that, and now, finally being content, over all happy, loved and taken care of, I'm no longer aging in dog years.
ever since having a baby at 30, it's been nothing but a downward slope and sag ever since.
it took it's toll...
but I'm so beyond excited to say that I have been selected to be featured in inked magazine. I also was chosen to enter the contest to be on the cover and win $25k.
now that is so far fetched, but still all in all possible.
I still kick myself in the ass for fagging off the opportunity to become part of beta racing team as the race managers personal assistant and be apart of their growth for launching the woman's apparel. dayummm, those nights I was supposed to spend in Italy sound enchanting.
spilled milk, opportunity taken for granite, lesson learned. but pleased don't ask me why I turned that down. I did it for the better judgement in my heart and peace of mind though it' all backfired in my face in the long run.
I thought I was retiring early, but I think I still got some time before my hot girl days are over.
vote for me

Chantell Correa