

Wish I. ...


I can still recall the day you were born! This overwhelming sensation flooded thus submerging flesh, spirit, and soul.

Expressions of a word called "love", an emotion I only saw rehearsed in Hollywood movies.

Honest truth my family had never known, shown, or seen it before....



You are my firstborn child,
my only daughter. I'm sorry....
Dad's selfishness destroyed our family.

There isn't a day that goes by, that I don't live with the shame. Oh, how the guilts.

No better more,
the anger towards myself.

I should of said....


Flee from sin....

These five years of self-destruction, has caused myself.

Unnecessary heartache,
spiritual imprisonment,
not to mention.

The forfeit of our destiny in Christ.

Not, only has it affected me,
I realize clearly seeing,
What carnage,
I've done to you all!

My Beautiful Pocahontas Breneice,
My Man of Steel Ricky,
My Miracle Son Caleb,
My Sidekick Uriah,

Whose name alone means.
"God Is My Light".

Finally, To the wife of my youth...
Forgive me for my treason....

I'm terribly sorry,
for every wrong, I've done.

When did our marriage, become Malachi 2:13-15 ?

I gave you a pain unbearable.
What burdens you carry!

Don't worry I've been,
weighed and found wanting.

May you one day,
Forgive me...
Wife Of My Youth...


I'd hope one day you'd be able to be daddy's girl once more. Divorce is tough, but you're a queen.

You're no longer a child.
Needless to say,
you'll always be,
my Pocahontas.

16 years ago
192 months
835 weeks
5,844 days ago

At 4:38 pm a Leap Year
A Sweet Valentine's
Texas Thursday

Will always be the day
February 14, 2008

The day a boy received,
the greatest gift ANYONE,
could ever wish or dream...

Your gorgeous mother at age 18 gave us both the perfect Valentine's gift!

She gave the two of us,
the gift of life.

My Beautiful Pocahontas...
I love you, Breneice!...

No matter where,
you are in this world.
All you need to do,
is call my name...

My fears and tears always go unseen, yall's love sadly goes unconfessed.

Nevertheless I see, I care, I confess, that my protection is your pillar of strength.

to be,
the dad,
the father,

The Standard Against,
Which You, Will Judge, All Men....

My dearest daughter,

I've learned that Fathering is not something perfect men do, it's something that perfects the man.

I love you more than poetry can ever express.


May God continue to shape you into the woman, He formed you to be.

I sit alone missing out....
Happy 16th Birthday.

Wish I was invited....

© Aziah In Thought