

The red man
My story began in mid of day
around 3:30 you can say
A day in my life wasnt so great
but how he entered a big black gate

A man that bled the color of red
the big black gate from,from were
he had fled
"i see the blood the red man said"
and saw the place from were he bled

A gaping hole from within his chest
he ripped it out is what i've guessed
the more i see him the less i rest
it's his way of making me go mad i guess

As days go by my mind stays blank
a vivid dream that light has sank
i wake up drenched in cold sweat
and the red man stands wile darkness sets

by fear and sorrow i am buried
but the feeling of dread was only temporary
as the man in red by anger was led
to my direction came the red death

the figure of a man,the last i saw
as red as crimson, his head bloody and raw
he attached himself to me
his intention was murder i could clearly see

its is now 12pm and he is here with me
in a dark room were i can barely see
his hands are cold amd covered in blood
by this time tommorrow there will be a red flood

I now end this tale of him...
the tale of the red man
whose story has risen
at the other end of the black gate

The End