


I was young once
We ran with laughter in our ears
Free flowing hair in the wind
There was never a dull moment
As tears washed away brief pain
And wide smiles sung in the rain

Living was a gift.
Stories held magic
So full of energy —
An explosion of power
That would live forever,
Never growing old and cold

Always open to hope
Everything shared with a friend
The adventure wouldn’t end
Time flew, but careless we grew,
Expanding like an ocean
Of never-ending dreams

All around nature played her tune
Unconscious and innocent
We danced along her way
Each and every day
Something new to say
Love would always stay

Thin of frame, light as light,
Radiant in sight,
We floated in different ways
Older and wiser,
Responsible grew our days

Now of a riper age,
I float once again
Recapturing an old smile
To dance in a familiar style
Youth is not the keeper of fun,
For I still feel the heat of the sun.

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