

water cycle
Water is the main source of our lives, with it everything is alive, and without it everything will die; but has someone wondered once why does water never run out!
simply water goes on in a process that makes it refreshed and that process called "water cycle".
Water has first come to earth from sky, it is absorbed by plants and soil, it seeps into rivers, seas, lakes, and oceans...etc; then it evaporates from soil and those latter in form of vapor, when water is released by plants, we call this process "transpiration" or "perspiration", but if it is released from locations other than plants we call this process "evaporation", so the released water process as whole is called "evapotranspiration".
when water vapor is released, it will go upward into the sky, then it condenses forming clouds in a process called "condensation", and when those clouds become heavier with water, they will drop rains, sleet, hail, or snow and this process is called "precipitation" which is the last one to let the cycle start over again.
The water cycle is a phenomenon in which water turns throughout processes by changing its original state, evapotranspiration;
condensation; then at last precipitation.

water is a priceless treasure; we have to preserve it.