

"I LOVE YOU!! I AM SERIOUS," He said out of annoyance. So maybe my teasings crossed the limits.
When those words entered my ears, I wasn't shocked since it was obvious, but I froze. Hearing those 3 words from my best friend wasn't so wishful by me. Things had been getting fishy for the last few weeks, and you knew that they would burst one day. Unluckily, this was today.

There was an utmost silence for the next few minutes. He was expecting an answer, and on the other hand, I wanted to disappear, not because I didn't wanna say NO; instead, I was afraid. what if I say what I feel, that I LOVE HIM TOO? I can't. Loving is easy, but the commitment shit always shakes me up to my guts. His eyes were pleading to hear at least anything. I was quiet for too long, maybe.
Finally, I gathered up all my courage and said what I felt.

"Listen closely; I sincerely like you, but I am not sure about love. At first my care for you was out of friendship but now it's more serious. I can't handle you talking to any girl other than me. And even I can't talk to any guy either. it felt like I am cheating on you but We aren't even dating" I truthfully put out the facts. it was an much needed confession, needed by both of you. I am in the phase when I was realising my feelings for him. and there was nothing but a bad timing. If he haven't confessed today, You should have said yes.

"Yes or no" He asked in a voice sharper than the knife and colder than the ice.

"I like you, don't love you" I replied shaking my head vigrously looking at my feets. I couldn't even look at him, his eyes would most probably kill me.

"Let's go" I sighed hearing my friend calling me. I finally shifted my gaze to him and he was no longer there, already left.

© Lonely moon