

The Girl In The Drizzle
I was working late at night at my home due to my final exams. Even though I'm not a person who would sacrifice his sleep to study but that day I had to. It was around 1 A.M. I guess. The rain pounded against the roof and windows with a deafening force. Seems like the sky was unhappy and it couldn't hold itself anymore and burst into tears. I decided to take a break and enjoy the rain of the darkness. The breeze was cold and relaxing. Made me remember my childhood memories. The sky was much darker than usual and the electricity was gone. So I could barely see anything unless the glow of the lightning brightens the whole area. I was about to go back to my work when during one lighting I barely noticed one shadowy physique on the avenue. I was unable to take a good look due to the hazy and dark atmosphere. But I just let it glide away as I felt what I saw was just my mind messing with me. Then again after a few jiffies, my eyes caught a glimpse of that shadowy figure, its features obscured by the dim light and dense fog. This time it looked quite like a girl. I was a bit freaked out because no typical human being would stand in the middle of a road at this hour when it's showering heavily. I just tried to forget that scene and decided to go to bed.

Hours passed by but I was still awake. I was in deep thought about that girl and I wondered if she was still there. I got up from my bed curious. By then the rain has halted and the electricity was back. I took a closer look and noticed she was not there.

The next day was bright. The sun has made the window glasses polished. Due to exams, I forgot about the incident last night. I was busy the whole day until I came back home at 5 pm. I went to take a shower and as the water falls on my body like rain I remembered the girl. It again got me thinking. I don't know but maybe I wanted to see that girl again. Just to make sure what I saw last night was right or not. Shortly, the twilight wrapped up the atmosphere with its gloaming cloak. The stars were visible. There was no sign of rain today. The sky was clear. I finished my dinner and was on my phone chatting with my friends. Around midnight, I went to bed. Then after an hour the sky again got darker with clouds. Chilly winds filled my room with the essence of curiosity and lots of questions. The rain was striking the earth heavily. Then again I went near my window and tried to notice if that girl was there. But I saw no one. The road was bare. Soon after the lightning strike, the electricity was cut off and the surroundings became clouded like yesterday. Then the girl appeared outta nowhere and stood exactly where she stood yesterday. I tried to take a closer look and it seemed like she was around 20. She turns around and seemed like she detected me supervising her and shortly after the lighting stroke back she was gone. After that, my room was filled with the soothing smell of the earth and I was left curious and began to ask myself about that mysterious girl.

By this time I was sure I wasn't wrong about what I saw. No normal human being would be able to appear and disappear in a blink of an eye. And in my country, no girl will ever get out at that period of night and stand still when the sounds of rainfall are tremendous. That was way too much weird to me. I woke up after a tiny sleep and it was already 8 am. I went out of my bedroom and saw that the windows in the dining hall and the other rooms aren't closed as they should be during rainfall. And also the surroundings were dry as if it didn't showered a bit. I was so confused and asked my mother if there was rain last night or not. She simply said, “Have you seen any dreams or what?"
I fell from the sky and began to breathe heavily and was unable to process the whole scenario.

I left my home early today. And called one of my friends named ‘Rahi'. I met him in my college library and explained everything that has been happening. He laughed and said, “Are you on weed lately? You've been seeing ghosts these days? Hahaha! Bro, you should consult a priest for your imaginary ghost and a doctor for your mental check-up. And stop taking weeds. Hahaha!"
I became frustrated by his words and said, “Are you joking right now? I'm talking about a profound subject that has driven me crazy and you are cracking gags!" He replied, “Sorry, mate. But it's just an abnormal thing and only happens in movies. I haven't experienced this kind of thing in real life. I think you should think more and try to process yourself. And it's better if you see a psychiatrist." “Do you think I'm crazy?", I said. After all these conversations with him, I began to think that I was crazy and that I need help. Still, I didn't bother going to the doctor and let myself relax and tried to forget all these on my own.

2 months passed by. And I didn't notice anything bizarre in these 2 months. The rain during the night has stopped and even that mysterious girl stopped appearing on the avenue. At this point, I thought that all these were my hallucinations due to the stress of my exams. But little did I know, one day the rain will return and I would have to face my fears.

It started raining again. I noticed that girl strangely staring at my window. I was shocked again but this time I was brave enough to go down the road to face her. Even though it was raining and lighting but I knew that no one but only I can experience this. So I went down. I saw the girl standing right in front of me. But as soon as the lightning stroke down she disappeared. But this time, she left a missive. On that piece of paper, there was a poem written. It goes like this...

“I saw you there, so full of light,
A beacon shining in the night.
You thought you'd won, you thought you'd won,
But I'm the one who's just begun.

You think you're strong, you think you're brave,
But I can see right through your charade.
You'll never know what I have planned,
Or how I'll take you down, command.

You think you're safe, you think you're sound,
But I'll take you down, I'll take you down.
You'll never know what hit you hard,
Or how I'll leave you scarred, marred.

So go ahead and try your best,
But you'll never beat me, I'm the test.
I'll take you down, I'll take you down,
And you'll never know what hit you, drowned."

I looked up after reading the poem. The girl was not there. Nor there was any rain. It was just me standing alone in the middle of the road and then I was about to run into my apartment when I suddenly woke up in my bed and I was sweating. It was a dream. Relax...calm down. But wait, what's this poem doing here in my hand?? Everything seems messed up! I started to fight for myself. Started to figure out every possibility that could be the reason behind all these. I started to see the mysterious girl every day now. The mental state of my mind was getting destroyed day by day. I was getting isolated from my friends and family. That mysterious girl was in my intellect. Seems like she was in control of my whole body. But still, I fought.

By this time something was clear to me. The more I'll stay alone, the more it'll kill me. The more I stay unhappy, the more it'll kill my smile. So I started to enjoy my life.

I woke up in a hospital bed. Saw my parents and friends around me. They were happy and crying. I have no idea what has happened. I just woke up and started to ask about the mysterious girl, about the rain, and the poem. Listening to me they looked pretty confused. Mother told me, “I was dreaming. You had an accident, son. Which made you unconscious for hours and you also had an operation. Everything will be fine soon. Relax, love." I was still breathing heavily, and at last, I was relaxing by the fact that all I experienced was just my dream.

Days passed by and things started to grow normal. It didn't rain and nor did I see that mysterious girl again. In psychology, it is known as ‘False Awakening'. In this state, a person thinks that everything is happening in the real life, but in reality he's asleep.

I went home. I was happy. I was relaxed. The night came down and I went to bed with a tension-free mind. Until the clock stopped at 1 A.M. and I woke up again...

The End...
© Nadim