

Best Friend
#HappyFriendshipDay #
Your best friend in the world calls you and tells you a secret that changes your friendship forever.
Your best friend is always there for you when no one is.
After God and your parents, your best friend is the next in your life.
Making you happy when you are sad.
Defends you publicly even if you are wrong and correct you with love privately.
Always ready to make you feel safe and comfortable.
Such best friend are rare gem
A best friend that is truthful, honest, humble and trustworthy.
Ready to fight for you even when you are not there.
A friend that can never sell his or her loyalty for anything.
A friend like a mother ,who is ready to correct if you are wrong.
A friend who is ready to tell you what you did to him or her that he or she does not like.
A friend that can't hide things from you.
A friend that advise you if you are confused of what to do.
A friend is ready to tell you the right steps to take in every stage of your life.
Kudos to such a friend 🤭
They part of the best people in the world ❤️💫
They are the best 💓

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