

Darkness In Mother Land

As we docked at Em mar, I took a recess to caption the mystery of my home country. The treasure I left behind in goodwill.(The then giant of African)And his dealings towards her. You have treated her unjustly, after all she had done too put a smile on your face anarchy. I have no passion to utter your name among dignitaries. The enclave of great icon had fallen apart. Sailing across the Black Sea, I could see for the third times, The hope of a new country as the old being faded away. Dreams are not ideology rather a reality of things to surface in view. Every news I betook as we embraced Marnara Sea hoping to hear good tiding of thee where messed up.you deserved to be safe in your home land. Treated with respect among aliens. But shame to he whom you have entrusted too governed thou affairs in a time like these.
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