

Stalked: Life Insurance
As hard as it is to believe..those were the words of Kelly Bell.. 30 years ago and now have become my words. This is the best I can make of the whole matter. It's seem by brother Bill has a Hefty Life Insurance policy on my.. or it could be some outher Criminal behavior I have not put to gether. Bill ran a truck driving buness in my name..or in some way left me responsible for a Federal tax of about $140,000.00 and State taxes of $27,000.00! I talk to IRS and they stopped granishes of my SSID. This was about 18 years ago.. So forging and singing my name has been done before. IRS said they knew I did not earn that money..the reason was I was not smart enough. Brain damaged.. little school. The thinking hear it takes money to follow a person around.. it's been at least 3 year's but more like 10 to 20 year's. I'll cover the time event line over time. The foces hear is where is the money coming from. Bill might own a business now and is making good money, I don't know but still would he spend money paying 3 veicals to follow me around for three years let alone 10 years..Bill is in to money. I know he coned me out of a lot. So if he is doing something funny with my Name.. or if he's got a big Insurance policy on me.. There has to be a source of money because I move around alot. Homeless a lot I walked 5 to 15 miles a day.. I like the outdoors.. And in the last 3 years I've been to Arizona.. 3 time's.. unbelievable amount of miles I must have been followed..I look back I can remember the White Car.. in different places at different times.. it's behavior and it's look made it stick in my mind.. Things that are odd stick. This information is written for police. All the peices will hook together if all the different storyes are read. Now all this chasing has been going on since I was a teenager. But I've the years it went from messing with my life and using me.. To a three car team..that at times grows in to a six car group.. So the Bad man in the white car..gets outhers go follow me. but I don't think they know it's a hit on me. The Black man can be found just by the police. Because at different Times the friend of the Black man..calls the cops.. So time's I think the black guy is a Cop..but too many times in bad places with bad people..He got to be a criminal.. Probably Drug man..from the looks of the help that with him. But the Cops have interacted with these people. I'll do a section the set timing to these events. I got a MIB.. report...say my SSI number has not be use in the last 7 year's.. but if there's a Life Policy.. it's been on me for more like 29 to25 year's.. I have to be worth a good mine of money.. I just have to figure..it out.. then I'll have modive of why Bill wants me dead.. Bill can not put a Life Insurance policy on me with out me knowing or with out my signature.. also Bill forged my signature on many Tickets..When I was 19 years old. So my hope is to find the life insurance policy.. Where is the money coming form or going to come from to pay the team that follows me?
© Anthony Sanders