

A wallflowers memoir
In m work of field I came across a young boy who tried to end his life. My instinct told me this is too close to home. You'll never manage to deal with him because of your past
At first, i freaked out
I got sick and stayed home. Trying to tell my co-worker I couldn't do it. After a week of puking and feeling ill, I got back and felt some sort of strenght. I'll try this and go in neutral mode. a few hours later we deeply connected and it was like we spoke a language noone understood.
He asked for my name...by that time i was already commited and in love with this person who showed me the past is the past. He could be me , I could be him and this is how life turned out to be. Whenever i think about my work he is the one I really fought for, to make a change but I lost my ways in the every day life.
Psychiatry will always be close to heart and I will try to never let down those who need help!!
© Shar