

Aira and her adventure of her magical school part 6
Aira saw Trisha in the camp but Trisha ignored her , she became sad . But she make an best friend hervname was Ruby . She told that " dear Aira , why are you sad ? " Aira told that her sister ignored her . Ruby told " if your sister came to talk with you , you also ignore her this is the only rule if anybody ignores you and don't be sad I am here na ? Talk with me . " Aira told " Okay I will ignore her too and I have an question that she has taken 200 rupees instead of 100 , so , can I tell my father about this ? " Ruby told " No it would not look good , but you will ignore her " Aira talked with Ruby for a while and felt better , suddenly a noise came from a distance it was their tiffin time. They were eating their tiffin , suddenly the principal appears and told that " Hello everyone , today after your tiffin we have a born fire eat your lunch and get ready for born fire . " Everybody ate their tiffin and got ready for their born fire .
Thanks for reading ..............😊
To be continued..................
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