

Things Take Time
Once I was young, I wanted to grow up. I wanted to be popular , and loved by everyone. I was a child with huge dreams and opportunities. Some I took , most I let slipped between my fingers. I would say, "Mom I want to save the world, I want to be a hero!"
She would laugh and say,"Well, when you're busy saving the world and being a hero - don't forget me."

I used to think to myself, 'what could I possibly do to change the world and how'.
I tried to be alot of people while growing up hoping I could do the things they do.
No matter how much I tried , I couldn't do all of it.

I realized one day , that all I needed to do was be myself!!
And since then I have been trying to master .

#moralofthestory : You are okay, just the way you are. You just have to be you , to be great. You may not see it right now but one day you'll realize that your enough!
© Ayesha