

My High School Life
Well I'm one of the people who would tell you that school sucked and l never miss it ! uhmm and you asking yourself why? Alright ! let me take you to my Boring High School Life .

In the year 2017 l was so ecstatic knowing I'm now going to high school and it showed that I was growing too ,l was made to choose my own school and loved the thought of it ,but who knew my happiness was only lasting for a day ?

It was an opening day l was so excited l even wished everyone in my neighborhood was just going to see me in my new school uniform *highschool* l couldn't sleep ,l was so eager to be starting a new year at a new different level .Mom and my primary teacher were the one to accompany us to school Me and my friend we were all ready and set till we got to our new school .The girls dorms were very far everything seemed to good for me ,and the first day ended till l woke up to the noise if a Gong Eww!!! that sounded not nice such a disaster waking up at school with no water terrible right? we got up immediately to freshen up with the water we had prepared ourselves for a new day , everyone was so excited meeting new people making friends was a whole lotta of fun. Two days down the drain after our lunch,Guess what ? my mom showed up in our dometries l was shocked why she came ? she then said "pack your things up you are now transferring " you couldn't even imagine how my face turned to be like , l was hurt ,sad,broken l needed to say goodbye to all of my new friends ,they begged that l shouldn't transfer but it was too late .She told me the environment wasn't safe and her colleagues say that wasn't a good school , urgh life !?

On my way leaving the school l was just so silent l just couldn't believe l was starting on a new school again , The was my worst nightmare after all ..It was on a Wednesday night when l arrived at my new school everyone was just staring at me because l was still in my former school's uniform ,busy being asked unnecessary questions made me hurt more and more ,at night l never even slept a blink l was so heartbroken and sad but that was life what can l do? Waking up to the sound of the matron banging the door she was fierce no lies ,you would just jump out in a second , prepared everything l needed all l could tell my dorm mates about was my very first school in highschool and how unhappy l was . All got better when l met a former friend from my primary school l was then happy because l even got to be in the same class with him l felt safe now ...Yes l was happy but l was still hurt because l never wanted to be there l missed my other school...

Days ,weeks passed l still tried to copy well with everything but the broken part of me still lived ,some people though l was weird l didn't like playing with everyone boys even now guys are my worst nightmares .My streammates were so mischievous ,l remember the last term of form 1 being called by the deputy head as a stream ,him asking why are people busy dating instead of focusing on their books what we now call as "umjolo" "umsosho" you could see how innocent they looked but those kids were really up to no good .Ooops l forgot to tell you about my dorm mates they were just so dramatic and fun though l remember my first night seeing two girls fight for a guy's hat LOL I knew l was to see more of the drama in there l was so eager in knowing the guy till l met him he was in my class ,Yes he looked good but you could tell the guy was so naughty himself from the walk let's end it here about my dorm mates
Boring right!.?

Chapter 2

My second year as a form 2 this was the better year of all in my life , the teachers in this school could beat the hell out of you l remember my whole form 1 year being bashed by our class teacher she always beat us at the end of term for failing "Boring" not all of us are great academically ..My second year was a bit fun that's when l managed to forget about my previous school .

Thursday afternoon l remember me and my classmates just from our combined science lesson we were busy talking , laughing on top of our voices till this male teacher just came through Ooopps he was fierce if he was to see you outside during the lessons you would call out on your ancestors to guide you *Freeze* the word you wouldn't wish to hear ... Busy talking he called us through the window and gave us a combination that was him slapping us in his own way my head ! l felt like my brain was damaged!! till the siren rang l was happy that school is over for now till l waited for the studies ...I experienced funny things ,worst etc during that year .l used to be enjoying my English lessons, PE wasn't my favorite l remember during the Taekwondo training l felt like I was being tortured it was so hard not forgetting the big C Lol l did the unthinkable l was the topic of the whole week but we move. ohh that's when we had our new matron uhmmm she wasn't my favorite till now Oops when she came she was the talk only heard they was a new matron she speaks English l was like astonished "who speaks English " like is she white or some kind only to meet her yeah right she would wake us up everyday with her English ....yeah she was great at it till she started speaking Ndebele cause she knew how to speak it , she would bring the hell inside you l tell you , l remember her running all over the GD wanting to beat up somegirl till they both fell down Crazy !drama drama all the way , one of the days during the search if the gadgets l remember rain starting to pour the girls were so angry we were all locked up outside by the time the matron opened the girls pushes hard while insulting and laughing till she fell huh so tough .... Being form twos and being told you were the reason the matron cried inside the ironing room telling us she was going to leave because we were bad at her Lol l was shocked cause the nexr day she was right there doing her work Haha !!! let me end it here .Year end being given class combinations l got into the arts people would laugh they called it *esigubhini* that was the last class but it was good one for me cause it suited everything about me ,the thought of going to form 3 stressed me up ,l was to meet the scariest teachers at school that made me feel sad everyone talked about how the teachers at level would beat you up ...let's take a look at my third year .

Chapter 3

This was my last year at this school who would have thought that things were gonna change , it was on a first day opening day when we got to school such a nightmare we had no beds,no dorm,no matress that's when l met this nicest girl who came at that very same year she was a good friend indeed you were gonna love her too , we had to look for mattress ,beds cause time was running so fast Guess what ? we were made to sleep in the trunk room that was the smallest room in the girls areas we all squashed there till l got pissed off by this other teacher on inspection day who behaved as if she sleeps in a massion, she didn't even understand we were squashed and couldn't do all our things well at the same time but she was just mean .The year went through school got tougher and tougher the assignments etc , having to leave your meals very fast without eating all because you were afraid to get beaten by the teacher " tough life" Third term came in that was my worst l got elected to be a prefect l was happy yes only because l was tired of cleaning those dirty corridors and the harsh treatment l used to be getting from the current prefects everything went smooth it was hard controlling people especially as a shy introverted person, we went on a prefects trip it was fun and a little hard but it was a great trip with a good experience at Thuli hills ....weeks passed when l used to be being called by the senior woman at her office life was tough ,bad things were said about me by the people l was close too that hurts but it made me strong l used to be getting shouted being told l acted clever etc till l decided l quit l wrote my resignation letter and I was free though l needed to leave that school ....The hatred l got from my enemies but I'm sure they were happy cause what they needed was done , this was my worst school of all because of how my third year ended ,people would smile at you get close to you only wanting to bring you done .... Good bye to it

Chapter 4
Year 2020 l went back to my former school to clear up having their wishes come true since they always asked if l was gonna transfer "Hello haters I'm still alive and kicking" everything went smoothly said my good-byes to the ones that l loved...l decided I was going to learn my last year at a day school with no matron drama cause Eww l was faded up in a term .First day of my new school as a form 4 was just ok only surprised the school had few pupils only days passed by l adjusted being a day schollar but the kids in there behaved really bad at their tender ages l remember during break time seeing them eat like some kind of dogs grabbing food from eachother like some kid who hasn't eat for a year ,you would see someone laugh till she gets on a dirty floor Eww no lies my classmates behaved very bad ....l wasn't there favorite they never liked me cause l behaved my way l was in my own world l don't let peer pressure take me by ,l used to be getting accused of stealing their friends ,they used to be saying bad staff about me but l didn't mind l kept going till Covid19 came by that was a relief l was free from the unnecessary drama of that school .I was only a newbie to it but got elected as a prefect l just accepted but being a leader wasnt something l wanted after what happened in my previous school .
Got friends with this homie of mine she seemed good at first till she played me dirty l never knew people could be that bad but life goes on , l learnt to be on my own because once l played with someone that would be a problem to the other ,l admit l was cooler than some the way l behaved wasn't like any other l was my own reflection..The school was just full of drama almost everyday but l still went through it all ...My last day on my final exam l got sick but l just made through till l got home and at this day l felt peace because l was never going to see those boring faces again
© Nommy_Nomah