

My first 34/35 days on writco!!
This is my first story,and also recording my experience on writco for the first 35 days.Everyone has been so nice and friendly, and I'm really surprised that I got 53 followers!!!
Like writing poems on quotes here made me think about what I should right,and what I should reply to comments and also gave me some confidence!
I was really shy at first because I was worried about likes,followers,comments etc.But now I'm confident enough to write whatever I want without any worry!
I was also excited to be interacting with other writers,and also I admired some of their writing styles.Like they had so many different ones! Each and every writer had a beautiful and confident writing style that encouraged me to write with more confidence. I also overcame the fear of leaving a comment because I was worried about what they would reply!
Then I realized I should be more relaxed and happy while writing instead of being worried about small things.Writing with a relaxed mind and happy attitude was much easier than a negative one.
I hope all of you enjoy my poems and quotes and stories,thank you so much for reading byeee
© CrystalClear