

Stop chasing people....
Nobody is going to be their all the time for you.
stop chasing people they change when time change.
stop thinking people love you.
they think they are the only one in the world.
we love them.. but we don't do..
they do this kind of things it's impossible to digest.
literally people make me soo sad somedays.
I want to be angry on them.
I want to kill them.
They make my mood so horrible.
They thing they are the only one in this world.
We are free all the time for them.
We also different kind of works loads.
job, pressure we make as available for them. why they can't understand this thing.
they does not value our time.
first I was thinking of everyone.
but nowadays
I'm tired.
I'm done.
I don't have this much energy to deal with them.
we have soo much to do.
our life.
our goal.
our story.
our lesson.
they only want them to understand.
they don't even think before saying anything to anyone.
how much it hurts.
how much pain we have.
how much guilty it feel.
how much......
if you are thinking I only think of my then you are wrong.
sometimes we have to do it.
it's life
we all need some kind of position.
we all have some dream to be full fill.
why can't you understand.
Now I'm thinking why should I explain you all you are never going to understand my story.
I try my level best to deal with everyone.
but I broke sometime.
I try to repair me.
but the glue is very costly.
the love, peace, the sate of mind is very costly.
to come at that place.
seriously I broke into pieces.
no one can repair me.

© Dimple