


I heard of a beautiful flowing river,
So clear like crystal,
With many fishes, but one golden fish.
So I travelled a thousand miles,
Climbed the highest mountain,
Swam in the deepest ocean,
All for the golden fish.

Finally! I found this beautiful river.
I stared for hours at the beautiful nature.
Twas crystal clear to see the beautiful fishes,
But I couldn't find my golden fish.
With great hope, I cast my hook therein.
For days I sat at the shore waiting.
All for the golden fish.

Although other fishes came for my hook,
But I didn't travel this far for them.
I kept reminding myself,
That I was made for the best,
I'll fight for the best,
I'll give up every other thing,
All for the golden fish.

After much waiting, I got wearied.
I looked up to heaven and cried,
"But I gave up everything for the best
I endured the heavy rain
I endured the harshness of the sun
I endured the cold of the night"
All for the golden fish.

With tears still in my eyes,
I heard a voice behind me
Then I looked and saw an aged man
His hair so white as wool
With a smile on his face,
He asked a question that kept me thinking,
All for the golden fish.

To be continued in Series 2....

© Emmanuel Dairo