

Romantic Ventures: 1. A date in the Park
The sun's high in the sky. A mocking breeze alternates between harsh and gentle but nothing bothersome. Children running about everywhere but they aren't minding me so I'm not minding them.."Quite the perfect day for a picnic..", I think to myself after waiting for almost an hour. Boredom gets the best of me while I get the worst of it. "Ya know... I think maybe I'll just hit the gym section...," I again thought to myself. Halfway to the gym area I spot her by the South entrance. I can't see her face but nothing on earth prevents me from recognizing her silhouette. "Better late than never, I guess" said the broken young lad.
I shorten her journey by advancing towards her and meet her halfway. Was I blind the whole time I was walking towards her– or did the excitement of our first date distract me so much that I falied to notice this beauty??! Never before had a dark green dress looked this perfect on human body! One glance at her and I choke on bewilderment. All I can say at this point in time is.. "my God!!"

The gorgeous mistress blushes and looks away as if to say "mission accomplished". I'm smitten and she knows that quite well too. In the most normal way possible, she looks at me and says "Hi". Five vowels, twenty-one consonants all memorized at the back of my head like light work and yet I fail to weave a reply to a simple greeting. Yeah.. I'm at my limit... "Babe, you're staring," she says. Now these are words I can work with. If the world sticks to using words like these then it'll be a better place. "Well, can you really blame me?", I replied, " my girlfriend happens to be the hottest thing on planet earth right now."
"Let's go sit down somewhere", said the mistress as she hides her dazzling smile. Like the romantic young man I am I guide the both of us to the swimgs. After making sure ma'am is sitting comfortably I move and kneel down infront of her– not to propose of course. I'm much too unprepared for that step.

About after an hour sitting and chatting by the swings,.. the idea of a walk in the park suddenly crops up. I propose the same to ma'am. She seems quite thrilled with the idea. Baby steps while holding hands..at a point we aren't even taking a stroll anymore. How we ended up hugging... I have absolutely no idea. Someone ought to have told us the time. "Shoot!! It's almost sunset– " and ma'am cuts in. " Who cares?"
She hangs her arms around my shoulders and looks me deep in the eyes. Her sudden romantic outburst leaves me stunned. Either she pulled me in closer or she came in closer .. either way before I realized it we were sharing our first kiss. I'm not complaining.. About a whooping thirty seconds. Top THAT!!

I didn't realize it but that was goodbye. Her uncle had arrived to pick her up. From a distance, I waved to greet him. He simply nodded back. Watching her walk away was a treat on its own too. Yo uh don't get to see models walking everyday. After she leaves loiter around in the park for about an hour or so. By the way I finally went to the gym area and did a few exercises before calling it a day.

© Benjie-san@The Jovial Wordsmith