

Former Lovers
A stormy,dark night brings about the meeting of former lovers who were lost to each other.
A woman bumped into a man due to her being in a hurry.The man was a somehow in a bad mood but he had his anger controlled. Seeing that the woman's clothes were soaked with rain,He wanted to help by giving his umbrella to the woman, but the meeting of two strangers doesn't happen easily,so the woman refused while walking away,and the man insisted on helping while seeming to follow for he felt pity.Further down the street,after minutes of walking,the woman reached a place where light came from inside a building which seemed to be a store,there stood a guard guarding its premises. In the woman's thoughts, the man was a rapist,So she asked the guard to protect her as it seemed like the man was following her and She thought He was a rapist.The guard pulled out a gun and held it in his hands,thinking that the man was a killer cause he looked bold with sharp angered looking eyes.But the man walked passed them without looking at anyone's face.then after a minute, the man heard a female-like scream and turned to look,What he saw was the guard molesting the beautiful lady dressed in pink.He couldn't tolerate for any second,he rushed up back and knocked out the guard a with jab to the guard's face.After knocking the guard down,He turned to look at the woman and when their eyes met,they recognised themselves, they hugged as if they were at the North pole. Once again,John offered the umbrella and Misty couldn't refuse,coz why would she?.She just found her self in the arms of john,John wrapped his jacket around Misty.From there,they walked on talking of their long time memories, A special night it was for both,yet a cold and stormy meeting.

By Lite2Read

There's a part two
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