

Today our society is driven by lies.
Even if we go to prove the truth, we eventually come back as liers.
Despite after promising to take responsibility, child's leave their own parents in an old age home.
Although they promise for stay beside forever, but at the end of the day they leave each other when they find someone new.
Leaders and Ministers promise to stand by the poor peoples, but those poor spend their days on the road and under the bridges .
Even the broken person also use lies to cover up his pain.
Trusting liars is like digging your own grave.
Trust can't live in the same space as secrets and lies.
There were lies we told to save ourselves, and then there were lies we told to rescue others.
A mistake is an accident. Cheating and lying are not mistakes, they are intentional choices.
Lies are like scars to the soul . They destroy you.
Because we all eat lies when our heart are hungry.

© Hasin