

Before you and me
Before there was me there was a you. I was a long ways away. Before I could ever breathe my first breathe, you were already driving. in some ways it's strange. you stand there, several years older but yet so far you have been one of the few who's caught and kept my attention. not it the same way but I never thought much about it.
before there was me, there was someone else. way before either of us thought about what we did now.
sometimes I cant help but feel the way I do.
before there was you, there was just me. I couldn't talk much. I had everyone that only ever thought about themselves.
out of everyone I've always been the middle. Not really anyone's favorite but yet the one everyone turned to use.
Before there was you, there was nothing really... so with you there is actually something.

with you, I've cried.
with me, you've told me things not everyone knows
somehow we've always had something even though of what we are right.
I look at myself in the mirror and questioned myself.
sometimes I even questioned you weather you want the same thing as me or if its it's just because of what we do.
is it right to question it?
© Alexiehooper