

River of Sweethearts pt. 2
Waiting on your answers to think over
One time, you finally spoke, "I can't leave.
It's easy for you to join the other side, but
not for me. Hardly find myself fitting in."
"But, a new environment,
I thought you'd like it.
They welcome everyone.
Meanwhile, you know,
the longer I stick being a part of this side
we're on serves us both no more"
From then on, we've been apart
Quite predictable to guess the rest
The conversation in disagreeement,
breaking our bonds from commitment,
raising impartiality is an understatement,
and thus partial love strikes disappointment

Formerly we were passionate lovers
Small pieces of you are still my possessions
after it all what's left
There goes an apparent happiness
Only for a fleeting moment
A tiny hope within me expecting you
to move your feet approaching
I'd rather be running into your arms
Than unfamiliar one's
Last time you bid goodbye
The images of us alongside the river
When I pass this street,
Can't pass the memory lane
The letters of your birthname
in my favorite spot

–To be continued...–
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© Lensed° NP

*Creds none taken for the pic*