

Call of the Wild
After having a heated argument with my husband I straight away went out of the house and started walking towards the woods just behind my cottage . I have been living in this cottage for 20 years but never thought of entering the woods just once .But today ,I don’t know what happened without giving a second thought I entered the wild.
After walking for about fifteen minutes I realised that it was growing dark and I had to return home but my steps weren’t ready to follow what my brain was commanding.I have heard a lot of stories about this place some were horrific while mostly were about wild animals that too from my hunter neighbour.It was just like standing at the diversion and don’t know where to go . I decided to explore more rather than returning home and to my good luck there was the full moon ,the light was penetrating through the tall standing trees ,no wind was blowing what I could say that there was pitch silence .
At regular intervals I could hear the wild sounds like of crickets , screeching of birds , hooting owls, crying wolves and many which I don’t recognise. It seemed that the life starts at night in wild.I decided of not going too deep as there could be a chance of getting lost so I stood at one place and tried to capture whatever I could .
After looking around I started feeling like I had been a dump ass who had missed this beauty for 20 years and today was the day to feast my eyes .My soul was happy but my heart was throbbing with a fear of being eaten by wild animals .But God’s great , I saw a beam of light coming towards me . Oh my god it was Sam looking for me . As he came near I hugged him to thank him for the fight we had but words were mute.

© Shweta k Thapliyal