

Happy New year 2021
Since, a decade has ended,

Let us treat ourselves and everyone else better.

As people who expect us to be treated with kindness,
to be given love,
Lets start with ourselves first.

Fill ourselves with love
Give love to receive love.
Show your loved ones that you are there for them and YOU CARE.
Give them a warm hug and let them know that you value them.

Let’s not use someone’s insecurity as a reason to have a good laugh
or feel more content and superior about ourselves.
Lets not enjoy turning someone’s sensitivity into humour.

Lets not make people believe that what they are ashamed of is their weakness.
But what can strengthen their confidenced.

Instead let us spread the idea of self-acceptance the way hate or unnecessary rumours are spread about others more.

Amidst all this, remember to give some love to yourself too!
Don’t put yourself behind for someone.
You don’t deserve it.

Let this year be the beginning of your journey of reaching a destination called ‘you’.
May this year be the one that genuinely makes you fall in love with yourself.

May 2021 be that brings absolute joy, sound health and fulfillment of great dreams and strength to overcome any upcoming challenges for you all!
© TheUncoveredThoughts