

Methods to Emotions
[well yeah.. lol, Enjoy Reading! and Follow me @rm92 ]
- 1356 Words-

Emotions, it's hard to understand.
Even you can't understand yourself at times, or someone else most times.

It's hard to deal with and that's just true.
But it makes us "humans", right?

I also do know that some of us are having a hard time on dealing with their own emotions or expressing it.

These are

3 Methods to Express your Feelings:

1. Writing
- You can let yourself write the things that you want to say but can't. Writing is the method where you cannot feel judged by other people..

It also is method that is proven to work in hard times.

2. Talking to someone
- Sometimes you just want someone to know that they're special, but at the same time you want them to know what your thoughts are.

So this is the method where you two benefits, Mutualism.
No one is harmed.

You can talk to a person that you trust and let that person even understand who you truly are...
(Just make sure that they really care and is listening)

3. Cry
- As most guys says that "crying are for girls only".
Then NO, you're wrong.

A psychological fact also says that 'guys who doesn't cry are weak in the inside'. So don't let it build inside, the tension or the emotions in you, let it fall, let it be.

These are just my methods, if it doesn't work you can find your own comfort.
At the end of the day we still need to comfort ourselves tho.
