

War of the Union chapter One
The Soldiers marched in a straight line and kept their gaze to the front. Woman and children cheered and cried, holding flags of their beloved America. Streamers flew from delicate hands from the windows of the city buildings. They waved the flags back and forth as the Soldiers passed by.
David Grear, an artist from London England, was one of those brave Soldiers. He decided to volunteer when he heard the Confederacy was endangering the state of the Union.
David didn't believe in slavery. He thought a man, no matter his color, should be treated like any other man. And he was appalled at the Confederacy for fighting for such a thing.
After joining the 64th volunteers he seemed to fit in rather well. Watching his fellow Soldiers, he began to wonder what their lives might have been like before the war. Then he realized that some of these men would be dead before the end. This made his heart sink. But he shook it off and continued on what he was doing. Then another thought came to him. He could be one of those who weren't coming home. A tremendous amount of fear came over him. Lost in his thoughts he didn't realize a soldier standing next to him until he spoke.
"Hey there. What's doin?" David looked up to see a young man about twenty. He was handsome. Tall and slender with dark brown hair that went to his shoulders.
"Beg your pardon?"
"What's doin? Means how are ya."
"Oh fine thanks. You?"
"Pretty good. The names William Stanford." He said lending out his hand. David took it with pleasure.
"David Grear."
"Hot day idn't it?" David grinned and nodded in reply.
"You ain't from around here are ya?" David grinned and blinked a few times before answering.
"No sir. I'm from London.
"I see. Well David it's nice tah meet ya."
"You too William." He smiled as William walked away.
David wasn't a bad looking young man himself. He had dark brown hair that was thick with body except that it was parted on the side and it just reached his collar. He had full lips with brown eyes. He was slender but not stringy. And had a sweet disposition and respected everyone that respected him, but it wasn't in his nature to be unkind.
© Elizabeth Harris