

📖 a story ~ ✨the girl and the oak ~ ✨CHAPTER 2
At this moment, she felt a gentle touch caress her tear stained hands, like a smooth summer breeze. A young man, who had seen the other men hurt and afflict her, was crouching down in front of her. As he lifted her hands from her weary eyes, Rain could see little by little that his eyes were brown as chocolate, his face was pure and kind, his smile was sweet as sunshine. She was confused!

‘Who are you?’ Rain stuttered afraid and uncertain, her voice was but a withering whisper. The young man gently spoke to her, like an innocent boy meeting a pretty girl for the first time. ‘My name is Oak, so pleased to make your acquaintance, Rain’. She stood up and gasped heavily, expecting to see the tree beside her, but instead she saw a man. ‘What? you know my name, I don’t understand, where is the tree’? she quivered in confusion. ‘I’m here’ Oak said in a reassuring, kind voice. ‘But you’re a man!’ she replied hesitantly. ‘Yes I am now, thanks to you’ he answered whilst smiling into her emerald eyes.

Rain’s anxious beating heart was now beating slower than the busy people’s police alarm or any alarm in fact. It was beating in rhythm to the song she sang, a peaceful ballad. She had never felt peace quite like this.

© MegM🌻