

You, it's me.
You, it's me. When you feel alone, try one of these things.

Listen to new music from someone you have heard of but have not listened to yet.
Practice your instrument. Learn a new song on the guitar. One that is not too hard that punishes yourself but it is difficult enough so that you can have a sense of achievement. And add it to the list of songs to practice.
Sing if you have a safe space; sounds don't like to be contained.

Read about something new that you never knew, learn a small new thing, and try it yourself, if you can.

Get out on a bike ride.
Contemplate nature, walking in a forest or a lake or, if not possible, a park would do it. Watch the leaves on the trees. Watch them waving to you; they make good company, you know?
If you encounter a wild animal, I often meet a heron in one of mine, take some time for it.

Don't look for company; when you truly feel alone, that won't make it.

Write. And while doing it, give yourself the advice you'd like to receive.
Draw a picture of yourself. And then one of yourself at an early age. And then another one, of the person you love, or the one that loved you and doesn't anymore. And then one of the friends you lost.
Another of the self you're not anymore.

In any case, remember this: loneliness is the start, and it is the end.
And we are all alone, together, in groups, as couples, in families, when we're young and when we're old.
The time of feelings is forever changing, and we float on a river of dreams.

© The Wrench Poetry