


[DISCLAIMER:The following account is from the perspective of a mentally deranged person, who can be be your neighbour, colleague or a family member. The author abhor such views and if any one supports this, then it's high time to see your psychiatrist.]

Hi there , I don’t know whether you guys will concur with me on this point or not, but each day whenever you are going through the newspaper, at the back of the head a faint voice whispers, “something bad is going to happen”. You try to muffle that voice, but that’s not going to happen and suddenly a news headline pounces upon you and you are knocked out of your senses. A momentary lapse prevails, before your consciousness could attain its equilibrium and you as usual, just shrug it off and keep marching towards the end of the newspaper, sitting astride on your stallion, who is fondly called, “INDIFFERENCE”. These dark woods of information are not to be travelled vagrantly, chances are you may encounter wraiths named, “RATIONALITY” and “COMPASSION”. If you are not a person who has yet not buried his emotions then it is highly probable that these apparitions are going to possess you and you will end up doing things, which you won’t do normally, like creating awareness or starting to talk about sensitive issues. I was also fleeing from these eerie woods after reading about another common phenomenon – “BRUTAL GANGRAPES”, but fate had other plans for me that day. Suddenly, my daughter waved me goodbye before going to her friend’s place and then it happened. A tiny fissure of concern emerged and my stallion lost its balance and I found myself lying on the ground. I got up to have a look at my stallion, but before I could do so, I felt a chill running down my spine and my vision blurred. It seemed that these wretched spirits had taken control over me and i became a spectator in my own body, that faint clairvoyant voice started reverberating and strange thoughts started to appear on my mental plane. The most prominent and also the most absurd of these was, “SHE WAS ALSO SOMEONE’S DAUGHTER”, most of you would not deny that this is a flawed arguement, “INDEED!!! SHE WAS SOMEONE’S DAUGHTER AND WHY IT SHOULD BE A CAUSE OF CONCERN, SHE WAS NOT MY DAUGHTER, SUCH THINGS HAPPEN AND AS A RULE OF THUMB, IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO. SECONDLY, THE PARENTS OF THE VICTIMS ARE TO BE BLAMED, AS THEY FAILED TO IMPART NECESSARY VALUES IN THEIR GIRLS. ”
The memories of the ensuing weeks are hazy, but I do remember that I was frightened that what evil, these spirits are going to commit, by using me as a medium. I remember that my wife started to laugh more often and even started to present her own viewpoint on things, I still shudder at the thought of it, she grew fond of these things, it took me several days, but now, everything is returning back to normalcy. If you guys are terrified, let me tell you, this was just the tip of the iceberg, my friends told me that how I had started to post outrageous content regarding “FEMINISM” & “GENDER EQUALITY” , propagated strange ideals and beliefs and bickered with my friends. At this juncture, you guys must be wondering that how came out of this nightmare and exorcized my demons. Destiny has its own modus operandi, it was during the lunchtime in my office, when all of my friends indulged in their favourite pastime, hurling innuendos at the female colleagues. I stood there motionlessly, just observing the activities of my friends with my hands folded and was oblivious to my surroundings. My Secretary was approaching towards me and I decided to turn back, because of the proximity, my elbow brushed against her bosom, I accept that this was the first time when I had touched her involuntarily. But, something strange happened, suddenly I started to feel faint sensation in my fingertips and my throat, the plausible explanation for this occurrence would be, that my instincts were trying to achieve control over my body. Those demons tried to crush this rebellion, but it was too late, i was regaining control and I ordered my secretary to bring files in my cabin. It took me another fifteen minutes of inappropriately touching my Secretary, to augment my instinct and drive those demons out. I won this battle, only because the instincts provided to me by the Nature, got activated at the right time, but each of us is not so lucky. After this ordeal, my belief in the natural order of things has grown stronger than ever before and I stopped reading newspapers, instead I have subscribed several newsletters, which are in line with my ideals. I can assure you of one thing, that if we don’t act diligently, soon this tide of pseudo-intellectualism would submerge the sanity of the civilized society and put asunder the order that our ancestors have put in place. At last, I would suggest that try to make yourself impervious by keeping your instincts in overdrive.

© the_perturbed_psyche