

It hurts💔
7th June ..
No way I'll forget that day.
The day I left my home, the day we moved away😓

So many memories of my old home, that's all I'm left with.
I left you behind too, my next street neighbor,my adorable bud.
That morning when I called you on the phone, early in the morning,so I could say goodbye
..I handed my journal to you

"I wanted to give that on your birthday but we're moving and I haven't given you anything...... so....I'll give it now"

That was all I could say. I wanted to say more though..
and that it wouldn't be the same without you around,
I wanted to tell you that that the crush I had on you was dead, and I think I'd caught feelings.. for you

yeah .. i hugged you, but not as tight as I wanted to
or as long as I hoped to..
I was fighting really hard to hold back all the raging emotions.
Then I walked away..
That was the last time I saw your face.

I shouldn't have been shy,
I should've have hugged really really tight, for so so long.. and probably never let go.

I miss those walks
I miss your warm hug
I miss looking into your eyes
I miss holding your hand in mine
I miss standing in front of you
.. and hearing your voice in front of me.
I really miss you 😔💔