


Wow! Whose trophy is this?? Who won these medals? Awesome! Wow so many certificates!!

May be some of us have heard these praising words. Didn't we??

"But now a days we are searching on YouTube, Google, browser, crome and so many other's gadgets *how to be motivated and inspirational?? I lost my interest, how to gain it back?? Didn't we??
Don't you feel confusing that a well achieved, a begginer,good artists and many more lost their interest in life. Yes it's confusing!!.
And all this happen only because of "quality called comparing ourselves with other's"

Though we all beings busy in our life, still we get irritated by our work and sometimes we hate our jobs too.We call it uninspired or demotivated. And we starting looking for things that will make us inspired. Manier times we attend seminars, even go to councillors, watch videos, all these stuff sometimes works and again we are in loss with "interest coin". Because being human breed we have the habit of " looking around rather than looking at ourselves".We just skip ourselves and chase others inspired story to be continued !!. And in these all we forget that, We all individuals are different from each other'. _So ground yourself deep and search for your self rather than looking at others story' and getting inspired!_ Try to ground your successful stories, hardworks, and recall your praised blessings. Most importantly try to understand why your parents are working so hard; only because they want to fullfil your wishes! But we forget their hardwoks and get crushed by failures and fall down. These failures continuously degrade our mind and thoughts hence we feel demotivated.So stop... reciting about past mistakes.

Now try to upgrade and update your system of mind to tackel these problems. Because in this uninspired situation if anyone can help you then, its only YOU" . *Because when one person gets self-inspired, self-motivated nobody can demolish him.* So to be inspired by reading out to your successful stories, it may be small or big, still it will have purity of your hardworks. As per thoughtful saying; "One fire stick can light up many other's", So same way one motivated person and light up many other's to be motivated. Lastly have faith in Supreme personality_God; who will help you throughout the life.

#So let's be self Inspired and Rock the Life.
© Pragati