

Princess and Devil
The demon, known only as Lysander, had been summoned by the princess, who was as beautiful as she was cruel. Her name was Aurelia, and she had heard tales of Lysander's prowess in the underworld. Stories of how he could twist minds and bend wills to his whim. Stories of how he could make even the most steadfast of souls tremble in fear. She had called upon him, not out of fear or desperation, but out of curiosity and a strange sort of fascination.

As Lysander stood before her, his red skin glistening in the torchlight, she surveyed him with a mixture of awe and desire. He was tall and muscular, with horns that curved back from his forehead and a tail that swayed behind him. His eyes were solid black, void of any emotion save for a smoldering intelligence. Aurelia felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized that she was not the only one who could wield power over others.

"I have heard many things about you, demon," she purred, her voice as smooth as silk. "I wonder if they are all true."

Lysander inclined his head slightly. "And what, precisely, would you like to know?"

Aurelia stepped forward, her movements graceful and confident. She reached out and traced a finger along his cheekbone. "I want to know what it feels like to have such power," she said, her voice a husky whisper. "I want to know if it's as exhilarating as everyone says."

Lysander's lips curled into a wicked smile. "Oh, it is," he breathed, his hot breath fanning across her skin. "It's like nothing you've ever experienced." He took her hand in his, his grip firm but gentle, and led her deeper into the chamber. The torches flickered, casting dancing shadows across the walls, and the air grew thick with anticipation.

They came to a raised dais, its surface covered in soft furs and velvet cushions. Upon it rested a large, ornate chest. Aurelia's eyes widened in curiosity as she regarded the chest. "What does it contain?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lysander chuckled darkly. "Ah, my dear princess, that is for me to know and you to find out." He reached out, taking her hand in his once more, and led her around to the back of the dais. There, hidden from view, was a small door. Lysander pressed a secret lever, and the door swung open with a creak. They stepped inside, the dim light from a single candle revealing a narrow passageway.

The air in the passageway was cool and musty, and Aurelia could feel the dampness seeping through the thin soles of her shoes. They wound their way through the twisting corridor for what seemed like an eternity, Lysander leading the way with confidence. Finally, they came to a stop before a large, ornate door.

Lysander paused for a moment, his expression turning thoughtful. "This is where it all began for me," he murmured, running his fingers over the carved runes that adorned the wood. "This is where I was first summoned, all those centuries ago. And now, here I am, about to grant you a taste of that power." He turned to face her, his eyes burning with intensity. "Are you sure you want this, my dear?"

Aurelia swallowed hard, her heart racing with anticipation. She knew what he was offering her was not something to be taken lightly, but she couldn't help but feel drawn to it. "I'm ready," she whispered, steeling herself for whatever lay ahead.

Lysander nodded, seeming pleased by her resolve. He reached out and pressed his palm against the center of the door, his skin glowing red as power coursed through him. With a groan of ancient wood, the door swung open, revealing a brightly lit chamber beyond.

The room was dominated by a huge, ornate circle engraved into the floor, its edges lined with candles and other arcane symbols. In the center of the circle stood a pedestal, upon which rested a glowing crystal orb.

Lysander stepped inside, his tail swishing slowly behind him, and gestured for Aurelia to follow. As she crossed the threshold, the heavy door slammed shut with a deafening boom, sealing them inside the chamber. The air was thick with the scent of incense and the heavy, heady aroma of magic.

"This is the Chamber of the Crystal Orb," Lysander intoned, his voice echoing through the room. "It is here that you will find the source of my power. To gain control of the orb is to gain control of me, and all that I am capable of." He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling beneath his armor. "But be warned, my dear, for once you touch the orb, there can be no going back."

Aurelia shivered, both with anticipation and fear. She looked around the room, her eyes wide with awe and wonder. The candles flickered in the draft from the open door, casting dancing shadows across the ancient runes etched into the walls. The air felt thick with magic, and she could feel the power radiating from the pedestal, beckoning her closer.

Lysander watched her intently, his golden eyes glinting in the candlelight. He reached out, his long fingers brushing against the crystal orb. It pulsed with energy, sending waves of power through the room, making the hairs on Aurelia's arms stand on end.
© Augustalefay