

Life is like a rose garden
Life is like a rose garden..It's beautiful ...it's unique and it is created by God ...God creates everything to perfection and He makes rosebuds bloom ..at the right precise time ..

Just as roses looks so amazingly beautiful..and is created to be one of God's most brilliant creations ...God also created roses ..with thorns ..simiarly life is beautiful ...but it also has it's bad days...it's problems ...Sometimes the thorns of life becomes so profound ..but just remember that our life is created by God himself ...

He is the Alpha and the omega ...the beginning and the end. He knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb...He calls each of us by our names...Jesus is so powerful and when the problems..the storms in our life's .arises ....We will not be shaken. Just as the storm ..or wind can only make a rose garden flourish more...because the rain will water the soil...so to in our lives ..The rain ..the problems of life can only make us flourish more .. and become more stronger.

In my life ..I'm stronger than yesterday ..I was so emotionally weak ..I was hurt a lot in my life ...but by God's grace I overcame even death . Being out on a ventilator was the most terrifying experience of my entire life...and when no one could survive a killer ordeal and medical condition like fat embolism ..I survived because of my strong belief in Jesus Christ ...

So my advice to you is ..Life is like a beautiful rise garden ...If we don't experience the thorns and problems of life then life won't be adventurous ..Remember Jesus has got your back ..Never lose hope. Always believe in the power of the heavens.