

All those who came to the feast were anointed
I anoint my people in the light
Written by: Apostle Bonifácio

Title:All those who came to the feast were anointed.

Behold the Lamb of God lives
And as He lives is clearly that He sees and hears.

The Holy Scriptures tell us about the greater feast in which Jehovah God sent His servant to invite everyone of us...some people went to the feast but some didn't go for they were busy with earthly things.

We are still invited to participate on the endless feast,but we start our practical feast at the churches which belong to Almighty God.
The practical feast takes place every single Sunday, and it only takes 1 to 2 hours.

Many spirits are willing to come and enjoy this holy feast but the fleshes are weak.
Every single Sunday i hear people saying that: we can't make it to enjoy the feast with the Master of Peace ''Jesus Christ'' for we're dirty;
We have no comb to tune our hair;
There's no iron to tune our clothes;

Sometimes they say they can't make it because they have visitors;
They can't make it because they have no money for offering;
They can't make it because there's no peace at home.
Some of them say: we can't make it because it's raining outside and we don't have umbrella.

But all these sayings
Are not the good reasons to be placed on the table of the Master of Life.

JESUS says: "rich or poor are welcome to enjoy this feast",
for we are all poors in Christ
And rich is He who possess and grants the Eternal Life.

I love Jesus because He's love
And He's the Merciful King
Who never suspend us by coming late at His feast although we need to be there early.
Surely He's not of this world
For the lords of this cruel world suspend and fire their servants when they reach late at work,or by doing a single mistake.

JESUS is forever an opened Gate of Heaven in which we go through to see the face of our Heavenly Father.

Jesus is the only begotten Son of the Father
Which the Father sacrificed to become our way to Eternal Life.

We were sinners deep in the dark world,but for our sake He poured out His Blood therefore we feel this salvation and peace, and again He commands us to Proclaim His death and resurrection by Praising and Worshiping Him,remembering Him all the time.
He granted us the remedy to wash the sins which is to confess our wrongs and repent before our celestial Father,before the only begotten Son and the Holy Spirit.

When we pray faithfully,He receives our prayers immediately,n nothing disturbs our request when we send them faithfully and spiritually.

Sometimes the blessings hunt us but they don't find us because the earth and its dwellings is chaining us in the dark place, but we need to wake up and get ready to fight against these wicked demons in Jesus Name.
Let's do by all means to destroy the walls that keep us away from our Merciful Saviour-Messiah.

Let's not doubt Him and His commandments for through His law we obtain the Pure Gold for He's the giver of everything holy.
He's coming to defeat the death, let's keep the faith Growing.

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