

Phantasm: Loss of Innocence Chapter 7
"Let me see your hands".
He demanded of me.
"No. Why should I trust you?You could have been honest with me but you chose to be all mysterious and cruel. I have two severely burned hands now because of you.
So I'd rather you not touch me right now besides I'm in pain. So please just back off and leave me be".
"What kind of pain?Shooting? Stabbing? Burning?"
"It's burning and it stings so bad.
Oh dammit why did I choose to come here in the first place? How could I be so stupid?!"
" You're far from stupid, you're just a tad bit foolish. Just let me help you. I can help those hands of yours heal."
" I don't want your help. All you'll do is stick a bunch of needles into me and you'll fill me with that embalming fluid you have stored in the cupboards."
" I will do no such thing. All I'll give you is one simple dose of medication. I've invented it myself. It helps with skin regeneration. Those nasty burns will clear up in an instant, you'll see".
"In an instant? That sounds sort of funny to me and not in a good way. Is it a pill? A serum? Is it liquid or powder? Do you take it orally or by injection?"
" It's a serum I've developed, it was meant to cure cancer. It is quite safe assure you. I've tried it myself.
It does absolute wonders for the skin."
" You sound like a beauty peddler."
" Yes I could make alot of money selling this serum but money doesn't interest me. Here give me your hands."
He gently took my reddened and blistered hands.
He stroked each of my hands which i wanted to clobber him for but then the terrible burning senation left me completely.
" There you go. I've taken the pain away from your wounds. Shall I retrieve the medicine now?"
"Why are you being so nice? Do you want something from me?"
" You saved my life and you were kind towards me. I'm just returning the kindness. It's called compassion you should....try it sometime".
He smirked smugly at his clever remark.
" Okay, okay fair enough. Go get the serum. I'll give it a go."
So he brought a small syringe from the lab and returned to the hallway where I was seated in a velvet red chair.
"So do you live here?"
" Yes I do most of the time. You didn't think i lived in the woods did you?"
" Well it does seem like a place you would be right at home but this place suits you better. Its certainly very classy."
"Thank you. I'm so glad that.....you approve. Would you like to stay here?"
" For what reason?" I laughed at the notion.
" Well you said you wanted sweet seclusion and peace and quiet.
Its very secluded. Hardly anyone comes here and its it's ever so quiet. I could provide you with suitable living quarters of course."
" So you're literally just asking me to be your room mate?"
" Something of that nature....
" Well I'll think about it. How's that?"
"Very well".
he said with a sigh.
"Don't sound so disappointed. I just said I'd think about it.I didn't say I wouldn't. Its just I need to focus on this case. It's just as important to me as it is for you.
I want these killings to stop. Nobody messes with my town. They'll have to mess with me first.'
" That's the spirit Maggie".
"Hey only friends call me me Maggie ".
" Aren't I your friend now?"
" Yes i suppose you are now. "
"My name is Jebadiah. Jebadiah Morningside. If I had any friends to speak of I suppose they would call me Jeb".
" Okay Jeb dose me up with skin stuff. "
" Ah splendid. "