

Together for Ever
Thirteen days left before Easter, I couldn't wait mom would make this vanilla wafer dessert that would melt in your mouth it had strawberries and whipped cream mmm it was worth the wait.
Aunt Paula made the Easter baskets for myself and two other siblings she would fill it with stuffed animals, candy and a chocolate bunny she put toys and fun stuff in the baskets she made every one different colors with pretty ribbons and helium balloons attached. Mom and Aunt Paula always laughed when they were together they set up tables in the back yard and decorated from one end of the yard to the other, they put food out on one table and on another table they would set out deserts they would talk and laugh about things I didn't understand but it was fun watching them move around trying to set up for our Easter Day.
Mom was about ten years older than Aunt Paula but you couldn't notice it the way they got along so well first thing in the morning if Mom wasn't calling Aunt Paula then it would be Aunt Paula calling Mom just to see what the other one had going on for the day which really didn't matter cause they always ended up together.
This Easter year was different cause my Aunt Paula had finally divorced the man we had to call Uncle David, he (Uncle David) had this mean streak in him he never smiled, he was rude and mean to my Aunt. He would boss her around call her names and beat her a lot my mom had to go to their house to pick up my Aunt cause Uncle David had beat her so severely and threw her out of the house sometimes he threw her on to the street with no shoes and bleeding from her head nose or arms , Aunt Paula never called the police cause she new that when he came home her beatings would be a lot worse Uncle David told her that too! Aunt Paula was a little woman with the biggest smile and soft hands she was petite maybe weighing a hundred and ten pounds she had a big heart she feared Uncle David and would drop things whenever he yelled her name to bring him this or bring him that and if it was taking her to long to bring him what he asked for he would push her to the floor or against the wall with everything she was holding spilled all over her, very gently she would get up and wipe off her dress that had food or drink on it.
Sorry she would say, holding back her tears of embarrassment wanting to run away from the situation or more than wanting to run away from Uncle David. She was not allowed to speak or see my mom ever that was something Uncle David made her promise that while he was at work or just out with his buddies she could not have anything to do with my mom her sister. Uncle David hated my mom he would tell my mom the aunt Paula wasn't home whenever she would call her he even made Aunt Paula tell my mom that she hated her and wanted nothing to do with her this made my mom cry a lot even when my mom would lay down she would cry she missed her sister very much.
Uncle David had been caught drinking and driving this made his third arrest the judge sentenced him to three years in prison this gave my Aunt the time she needed to divorce him pack her things and come stay with us my mom was ecstatic they hugged all the time they went to the stores together they loved being together everyday they never run out of things to talk about and the laughter they shared was a beautiful thing to see.
They cooked together, they watched the soap operas together, they even polished each other's toes nails they were inseparable the love they shared was beautiful.
Easter was finally here and the decorations were up food was cooked and the Easter baskets were waiting for us to tear them open!
We were all in the backyard so I don't know how many times someone was ringing the doorbell but when my mom went up to the door and opened it it was Uncle David, he demanded that aunt Paula go with him to talk, Aunt Paula was standing behind my mom in total fear she told him no she was scared and shaking my mom told him he had to go and to leave her sister alone that they were divorced and he needed to accept that.
this made my uncle very angry he screamed at my mom to get out of the way and tried to reach for my Aunt but my mom pushed him with all her force my aunt was crying telling my uncle to leave her sister alone not to be violent with her. Both my mom and aunt stood there hugging each other tight not letting go of each other or allowing anyone to separate them, my mom held my Aunt comforting her sister telling her everything was going to be ok for her not to worry, during this time my uncle had walked back to his truck and got a shotgun walking back toward our front door he yelled Paula get in the truck right now the fear in her face was overwhelming tears poured down her face she pleaded please don't hurt my sister I will go with you but please don't hurt her sister. My mom holding my Aunt screamed you aren't taking Paula anywhere she yelled you are going to have to shoot me before I let her go with you, my uncle raised his shot gun pointed it at my mother and shot the loud bang rang in my ears so loudly it hurt so much my uncle proceded to add another bullet into his gun and shot a second shot into my aunt both my mom and Aunt Paula slowly fell to the ground still holding on to each other looking into each other's eyes tears rolling down their cheeks they collasped on the floor.
I remember screaming and my siblings crying and screaming why why Uncle David why did you shoot them my uncle fell to his knees saying cause she loved her sister more than she loved him then he puts the shot gun under his chin and fires another shot killing himself instantly, by this time I could hear sirens coming down our block I sat next to my mom as she struggled to breath she looked at her sister and said I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I couldn't protect you, my Aunt looks at my mom and said I love you sister closed her eyes and she was gone. both my mom and Aunt Paula died holding on to each other they way they had everyday they were together I will never forget the love they shared for each other.
my Aunt Frances and her husband took us kids in and raised us like their own we all finished school my sister and brother have family's of their own and I went off to college coming down for Christmas and Easter.
I tell this story as a form of therapy it helps to let me see just how much love can be felt and how much hatred can take away from a person. Although my Uncle David did nothing bad to us kids I have this anger and feelings of sadness towards him. knowing my mom and aunt are together in heaven cooking and laughing gives me happiness that they are together.
rest in peace mom and Aunt Paula I love you both so much..
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