

If my inner bitch had a volume switch
You know that things you care about are synonymous with things that will hurt you, it’s inevitable, just a part of your cycle, a choice to make over how you react to it but, you accepted that years ago right? okay, alright… so for the moment, if anyone needs your heart they’ll have to go on an adventure to find it, it’s been disappeared for now, but that’s no big deal you’ve done this before… I know you stole it from our chest and threw it into the jaws of that great white in your head so you don’t have to feel anything for a while, I’m sure that big fish loved watching how pathetic you are right now, it’s her most favourite treat. When you’ve finished acting a child, go retrieve your heart from that damn fish and transform me into something new cos your insecurities are plundering my mood and you know you don’t have a truth short enough for haiku.

It’s about time you were appreciative of the gifts that aren’t delivered by sleigh bells cos I know that you know how clocks cry when people squander their time, it makes eyes look like empty caves behind waterfalls, obscuring cherished moments when the water flows. You’ve never been one to intentionally hurt people, even after they’ve hurt you first, that’s just a quick way to bad karma and you already have more than enough of that, but boy do you need to find you again and stop being so apathetic, and I’m sorry to tell you but altruism doesn’t work if it’s fuelled by desire. You know, even lions are afraid of change, that’s why they have a pride, but occasionally change is what you need, you know it and I know it so you have to change something, and besides, you’ve never been a lion anyway. Contrary to popular belief, the tiger is, and has always been the king of the jungle, it’s just odd that every now and then I have to remind you of that, it should be second nature to a tiger.

It would be a shame if you now go falling on your sword and start salting your cheeks after all the work you’ve done, season your chest cavity instead and use your tongue like a weapon, I’ll give you permission. Let your words fly like hollow point bullets, delighting as they expand on impact to destroy minds and open up gullets, but I know you won’t let it last long, you know that eventually those bullets are returned right back at us and tigers don’t tend to surplus kill unless they really feel like it. You’ve not had that type of bloodlust for a long time and admittedly, I’ve felt it lingering lately, like an old friend… but before you do go medieval, remember how you reigned in that monster that hides inside you, how you became what you feared and then rendered it a tool, I was so proud of you when you did that, you had that fish eating out of your palm once upon a time but now it’s taken off the whole arm, serves you right for biting off the hand that feeds, you need to stop being such a glutton for what an inanimate mirror throws back at you.

Come to think of it, you always did gravitate towards being the protagonist of your own tragedy cos I guess our morality does burn like an inferno inside of us doesn’t it, that goddamn morality huh! I know you can’t help it, but try not to be anyone’s hero other than your own unless someone really needs it, and you know that with experience, we’ve found affection for the most part tends to have a shallow counterbalance, it’s just the way of things. So in knowing that you know all of this, I have to question how are you still hungry when you’re clearly full, or are your eyes too big for your belly? methinks that every now and then, you need to remind yourself that sometimes you like to let gravity win, it makes for an interesting story right? or is that your ego needing to hurt itself so it can lick it’s own wounds and play the martyr, is that why you always find it so easy to root out patterns in the places where patterns go to be hidden?

You know, beauty can be bought off any top shelf in todays world it’s that transparent, so god forbid you’d find it in yourself and life does nothing but highlight insecurities anyway. It’s obvious you’re embarrassed by your own smile and why wouldn’t you be, a tiger can’t always remain solitary and even a hermit needs disciples for food. I know you’re trying to silence the dying mood with writing, but really what you should be thinking is that you’re a force of nature, I truly hope you’re aware of it cos you know that precious stuff you’re so worried about doesn’t just disappear into nothingness,
it metamorphoses and blooms into something else that you’ll use to sense hack your algorithm instead, and guess what, it will be just as beautiful eventually, if you let it be.

As much as you think you are, you aren’t old enough yet to be chasing Ponce de Leon’s dreams, especially one that silhouettes on the back of a long dead conquistador and never forget that anchors don’t actually hold ships steady, they just keep them confined to an unstable position. Try to remember to keep the empty from your eyes cos you know how it scares people and lately you’ve been feeling like a dark hallway, you creek as I rest and you know how I love my beauty sleep, but I know it won’t last long, soon you’ll stop leaning on a lions pride and it’ll come back to you that you’ve been a fearless tiger all along.

© ThePoetVulpes