

They say when you are young then you have lot of feelings about different things. The age between 19-25years where you experience a lot of things,lot of emotions.
It's hard for someone like me to really describe about the things I'm feeling right now in my life.

My mind is a much into that thing that I now it's so difficult about not think about that. I am single in my life because I have a fear of commitment and I think it's hard for me to stick to a particular guy.
I just don't want to cheat anyone and this is the reason I'm single.
Slowly,slowly but I don't know why I started feeling like that I'm so much into intimacy things.
I love to be loved by someone,I really feel now that now I need someone in my Life but at the same time I am not ready to commit.

I Just feel that I don't want to close my options,I want to explore new things. I talk with everyone in my real because I don't want to restrict myself to a particular person..I really someone's want love ,care and attention. I don't know what to do in this situation.

I desire for deep and passionate love . I want someone to love me so deeply .Not only physically but emotionally also.

I have a lot of desires in my life..A moment comes when I became completely blank..

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