

Caught In The Moment
I kissed her. I didn't mean to, it just sort of happened. But you know what, can I trust you? I enjoyed it. Her lips were soft and pliant, warm and engaging. She returned the tenderness with equal measure, and then demanded more. I could feel her pressing harder, moaning, shallow breaths and closer proximity. Okay, it should never have gotten so hot so quickly, but it was like throwing dry tinder on the spark of her desire. Who knew she'd ignite so easy? Certainly not me, I never assumed there was a tiger inside the kitten. And when I dared open my eyes halfway through, she had hers closed and was flushed in the cheeks. Hair had sprung loose and was tipped by white waves about her shoulders. I was drowning, happy to die right here like this.

Some women can be sexy even in later age, they have that quality of knowing what they like. I was half her age, but that wasn't important. What I saw was an angel, petite and beautiful, who played piano like she was speaking through the keys. She was sat by my side instructing me, and I was tingling like I always do with her next to me. I loved that she was patient and listened. I love the way her mouth gently curved into a smile if I was doing right. How her delicate touch as she corrected my posturing just had that hint of a linger, that feel of a connection I'd hope I wasn't imagining. She had lilac eyes and wore the most dour but figure hugging clothes. I never asked her her age, it never mattered. I wonder now though.... does it matter to her? As our kiss turns into an intimate, soft embrace and my hands wrap round her frame, will she allow it? Will she resist and rebuke me? Am I risking too much?

The metronome keeps ticking and I know my heart is too fast. I could never play a piece in this fashion, with wild abandon and all intuitive pleasure. She was leaning into me so much I felt we'd come off the double stool if we weren't careful. Her knees touched mine, my hands touched hot soft flesh. I was ablaze, a fire burning in me, all hormones and heartbeat. Her eyes were open now, hot open need. I wasn't the predator, I was the prey. The knowledge sank into me like a helpless chick as it falls from the nest, waiting for the inevitable thud and pain of reality as all stops. Fear that it would...but until then I was dropping but it felt like flying. I was in the air, carried away. I held on, as we lowered ourselves to the floor but our lips parted in doing so. The spell broke.

And then the only thing between us was that tick ticking as the pendulum swayed taunting me. Which way will this go? And the concerto playing was filling the room, overwhelming our senses. We were engulfed in the moment, notes on a sheet of music combining to become more than our parts. She held my eyes in hers, I smiled, she didn't. I don't think this will go quite to the crescendo it was building up to, but I took her hand in mine. It didn't pull away. That was important I felt, though I didn't speak. She couldn't ever be the initiator, it had to be me, and I wanted her in the worst way. I wondered if she could read that in my eyes, in my expressions, in the body language that was clearly saying....I won't run. Let's see how this plays out. She's so good at reading between the lines, I'm willing her just this once to go with the flow. To let instinct take over. Kiss me again, please let's just kiss again. And the music plays, and the ticking taunts me as the seconds pass... and we're caught in the moment ......

© .Garry Saunders