

The old, treasure chest lay exposed when the storm retreated. This was after the huge storm that had taken place. Captain Cook and his crew had set sail for the Neverseen Island, just before the storm hit them.

The legends had it that there was a sacred mirror that laid inside the chest. Captain cook and his crew had a quest of finding it. They searched all the seven seas but they never seemed to give up, so ambitious were they that they kept searching for years. They kept searching and never gave up.

Little did they know that where they were headed to, was a no mans land. The Sea of Invisible waters. It is said that few of the captains that set sail for the 'Sea of invisible waters' were never seen again. Captain cook seemed to have forgotten about this until one of his crew mates, Cyrus, reminded him about it. Captain Cook was an arrogant man, he never gave up but went for what he wanted.

Cook was filled with pride that he did not let anyone else but himself speak. Cyrus was silenced and told the next time he speaks, he will be thrown into the waters. Poor Cyrus feared for his life. He had to stay silence and watch. He's eyes grew wide and red, one could tell that Cyrus was thinking big and had questions turning around in his brain. He stood hopeless and trans fixed to the root as he watched Cook and the rest of the crew go into the invisible waters.

The invisible waters was invisible since one could not tell where they were due to the fog. Captain cook and his crew got deep and more deeper. The deeper they went, the more colder it got. After sailing for some time, the mates heard a voice from a distance. The voice was so low one could tell that whoever it was, was struggling to breathe.

Cyrus felt sorry for himself as he imagined what would become of them if they won't leave in time. It was so obvious that Cook was a selfish man, all he thought was himself. He left his crew and went into hiding. The voice got louder and louder and more louder.

"Don't you humans ever listen to your old folks tales? What are you looking for in this sides of the sea? What brings you here? Did you not ever hear the stories of the lost captains? Or are you just arrogant? I am asking you, WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO? " said the voice that seemed to be getting near as they kept sailing. One could not see the waters clearly because it was all darkened.

The famous stories of the invisible waters said that, no one could set sail pass 'the voice'. The voice, was referred to the invisible person that no one has ever seen. It now downed to the crew that the legends were not wrong. They quickly went ahead to fetch for Captain Cook. By this time, Cook heard all that was going on. He curled himself up and covered himself.

Cook came up to meet this 'voice'. Little did the crew mates know that Cook's ancestors had also visited the sea but got lost. The voice recognized Cook. "You look familiar, have I seen you anywhere?" asked the voice. "No, you have not" replied Cook. "If you say so, so what brings you here young man? I gave your ancestors a warning, did they not tell you the tales of the invisible waters? " asked the voice. "How old do you think we are? Do you really expect us to listen to some stupid tales that old men said? Do we look that stupid to you? replied Cook.

The conversation seemed to get spicy, Cyrus tried to calm Cook down into talking nicely to the voice so that it could let them go. Cook did not listen to Cyrus. The voice got angry, "I will give you two minutes to leave before..... " he was cut short by Cook "before what you old thing? Before what?" Cook replied. Cook seemed to have pissed off the voice. A loud thunder filled with lighting struck the boat and the winds blew it away. The winds were so heavy that there was no control. The boat went crushing into the sea.

After days of searching, Cyrus could not locate the whereabouts of the rest of the crews. So sad was he that tears filled his eyes. Two rivers of endless hot flowing water seemed to take advantage of the situation and come down as fast as they could. His tears were so crystal clear that it cleared the waters. The voice, whom was watching by now, seemed to be concerned about him. "Only if they obeyed my words, none of this would have taken place" said the voice. "I tried to stop Cook from getting into the invisible waters but he would not listen to me" replied Cyrus.

The voice, identified himself as Cadeal. This did not stop Cyrus from tearing down, he wept, and wept, he wept like a baby that lost its mother at war. The more he cried, the more clear the sea became. Soon enough the sea was crystal clear. The sight of the clear sea shocked Cyrus. The waters began to separate, as if there was something that was about to pop up. In a blink of an eye, a huge shining thing appeared out of the blue's.

It identified itself as Cadeal, he stretched his hand out trying to reach for Cyrus hand. "Here, come with me, I know what you are looking for, I have it" said Cadeal. "How do you know that that's what am looking for?"replied Cyrus. "Your old folks came looking for it long time ago, but they were too harsh, and it only belongs to the pure in heart, the sacred mirror is what you are looking for, but, I must warn you. The thing you wish for in your mind is what will be of you and those that surround you, you must be very careful with it. It dictates what your heart wishes for and grants that." Cadeal responded.

Cadeal took Cyrus across the rest of the sea and Cyrus went ahead into the old ship that had the chest. The sight of the chest could blind one's eye. Cyrus went in took the sacred mirror and the rest was history.

The tale of the Sea of the invisible waters had a new tale, new ending, and a new story.
