

The Unknown
Charles Kethen.
Another victim of society.
Yet his smell was perceived as that of a different form of victim.

Kethen, a retired mechanic, had a rough divorce and chased a bottle to the downtown alleyways of San Francisco.
An undereducated practical man, who didn't think life would ever get better once more.
Walking back from the liquor store to his spot in an alleyway where he was alone, he waved his bottle of whiskey as he argued with the demons reciting curses in his head.
Returning to his spot between 2 dumpsters, he situated a tarp and sleeping back, for it was a cold rainy night.
As he was bent over sorting out his spot, he didn't hear the 4 meter mass silently land behind him.
He did however hear it's exterior set of wings open swiftly.
Turning around he looked up to see a large unknown creature with a head that resembled a Pterosaur/Iguana hybrid.
It's exterior wingspan was 12 meters wide, and branched from it's back.
It spoke 'Kottu!' with a pronounce 'u' accentuation in 2 voices, one being a high toned hiss, the other being a deep bellow.
Its interior pair of wings that came from it's shoulders opened up to reveal a stomach pouch that leaked mucus.
The interior wings boasted donned metallic spikes similar to that of the iron maiden.
The creature, with its interior wings, grabbed Kethen around his back, puncturing into him and pulling him into the stomach pouch legs first, breaking one at the knee.
The mucus was adhesive and held him steady, while the interior wings pressed his face to the chest of the beast above the pouch.
The creature then lifted vertically up 50 meters with one stroke of it's wings.
They flew north to the redwood wilderness to it's tree of pain, Kethen muffledly screaming the whole way.
After 25 minutes of flying, they arrived at his final destination.
They arrived at a tree whose branches were stripped and sharpened, about 95 meters above the forest floor.
The creature gripped a tree branch with its hairy bat like claws, and opened its interior wings as it folded the exterior, and so began the screaming...
It then leaned down, and with its saliva, loosened the adhesive mucus.
With one claw, the creature pulled him from the pouch, puncturing his shoulder in the process.
It spread it's exterior wings, as it again covered it's torso with the interiors.
It hovered as it impailed him on a higher branch through his shoulder.

The animals of the forest know this creature well so they were not around to hear Kethen shriek and scream most of the night...
© Sebastian Grey